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Your favourite Christmas Gift


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Your favourite Christmas Gift

I didn't get much this year. 'Er in doors decided that as a result of the global economic crisis that only children should get gifts. :banghead:

Regardless she bought me the digital camera of my dreams. 8)

It's a Fugifilm S5800 and it's brilliant. Kinda a half way between a point and shoot and a proper SLR and it takes brilliant photos.

She didn't get me a memory card though so I'm stuffed on taking many shots. :banghead:

What's the best thing you got this year?

T :wink:


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nice toy
i got this one

can i suggest for a memory card sir.


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got 2 of these.


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looks like the missus isn't happy in the bedroom there fella. :wink:

only joking but really could not resist.


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Lovely cameras - lucky peeps  :D

I had a Canon Powershot G6 a couple of years ago which is in between a ditgal SLR and a point and shoot and went on a course to learn all about using it in manual mode - well advised  :lol:

Get clicking!!!

Mk1 GTI Rivage Cabby Mk3 GTI Anniversary


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novocaine said

looks like the missus isn't happy in the bedroom there fella. :wink:

only joking but really could not resist.

keeps me happy tho


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Re: Your favourite Christmas Gift

Tian said

I didn't get much this year.

She didn't get me a memory card though so I'm stuffed on taking many shots. :banghead:

What's the best thing you got this year?

T :wink:

flipping heck, you did better than me seeing as you didn't get much


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I've been using SLR's for donkeys years mate so it's cool. This one's great cos it's so small but looks the business. I've had a couple of SLR's before and the Mrs has a Nikon D40 I get my hand son sometimes and that's really nice.

I just want a muck about camera I can take to shows and take some nice shots with. She's got about ?2,000 worth of lenses and what not.

T 8O


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same as you tian , we just got for the kids, but my fav kids toy was the scaletrix. even if we do have to girls :lol:



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missus has a gx-10 which i play with or a regular basis. and i'll be sorting a 450d in the newyear. looked at the fuji as i like to 10x zoom but figured with the canon i can use a seperate lense to achive the same function.been using analogue slrs for years so have enough of a clue to get by. i have a great book on pdf i can sent on if ou send me your email via pm.

good toys. now to play. mwah hahahaha


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Cheers mate, that would be useful, send it to the email address below.


T :y:


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i shall dig it out tomorrow.


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novocaine said

i shall dig it out tomorrow.




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i didnt get alot this christmas.
this might be the reason

my first d-slr
anyone got any tips


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ChrisRivage said

I see no reason why that shouldn't work just as well with beer, so yes a quality gift!



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Mine however does have a flag onto saying BEER! lol il syphons beer into you mouth as well so u get battered........... uncontrilable drinking OOORA!


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happyboy said

i didnt get alot this christmas.
this might be the reason

my first d-slr
anyone got any tips
yes pm me you email i'll send it to you as well when i find it.


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My favourite……….

 8O  :twisted:  :twisted:  :lol:  :lol:


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Mine is the Arsenal Membership the missus got me AND the tickets to the Arsenal V Bolton game on 10th Jan!!!

Oh….. and we were playing the "Guitar Hero World Tour" that I got her all weekend… bags of fun!!  Back in Northants now though for work tomorrow so she's down London way rocking out with her mates…. hmmmmm…. hope she's not busking  8O  … she's not quite ready yet…  :wink:

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