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attempted car theft.


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attempted car theft.

just as i thought i was seeing the back of a cack year, some muppet has decided to try to break into my mk1 . they have tried to prize open the passenger door, failed to get in but managed to bend the door, knacker the seals, and damage paint to bare metal on the roof, rear quarter and door.  great just what i needed a ?150 bill to pay insurance excess and extra hassle on top of everything else.  :banghead:

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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These people need to get a job…. they also need their hands lopped off!!!!

Gutted for you mate!!  You feel like they were watching you when stuff like this happens it's unerving!!  Not good at all on xmas eve…. they should be shot  :evil:


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Anything of value to make them want to break into the car?


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soz to hear that jim,will the door go again??get some paint on the roof to stop the rust untill proper repair made,was u parked on the side of the road,or on a drive?


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chheers fella's, to be honest it's really p'd me off , but worst happens i supose .nothing of value left in the car,in fact the car was empty,    i just hope they don't come back for the car .

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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Remove the rotor arm, they wont get far without it :)


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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Take the bleeding steering wheel off, then they wont attempt to take the car, as they wouldn't know about rotor arm missing they will still do more damange to get in
1 min job, piece of mind


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just been told by a neighbour that a cavalier was broke into the same way, only this one had the door peeled right out,  i reckon i might have disturbed them as i went to work at 2am .
good idea about the steering wheel

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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The only reason they bend door is too slide arm down and lift  door pin, simply remove the pins altogether and metal pin connected to the lock, cap the holes that the pin would go through with those caps you get to cover screws on furniture, paint black, job done.
Also have armoured door plates and alarm, when they see you have gone to lengths of security, they wont bother mate
Pete :wink:


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yep time to step up security me thinks

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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sorry to hate that mate, they should be hung, drawn and quartered in my opinion, iv just bought my cabby and im getting up every nite worried someone is going to damage it or take it untill i sort security, did the 5-0 manage to get any prints or anythin?



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Can people not keep their grubby mits off things that are not theirs?
I had some moron try to smash my front door (house) down at 2am a couple of weeks ago, presumably to get hold of the car keys.
I woke up thinking there had been a explosion in the Close, could see nothing but heard a car drive off.
No damage done just a size 10 boot mark on the house door.
Police said it was just a one off, then a few days later my wife learnt from a work colleague that a neighbour of theirs had the same done, but had got in and taken the car keys, they didn't the car though, strange, but lucky.
Thing is that I am now having to make extra security precautions and the cost that that entails, just in case.
I know how you feel.


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welsh-mk1 said

Anything of value to make them want to break into the car?

the only thing of value that makes scum like this break into cars is the fact that if they get caught they know that they will get just a slap on the wrists instead of having them chopped off if we make the time fit the crime then we may see a reduction in crime.  :twisted:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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mk1jim said

yep time to step up security me thinks

Just an idea:;file=viewtopic&amp;t=52048

& I'm only in Killamarsh.

Regards Neil.


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cheers for that but out of my price range at the moment.

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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CAD Alarms are good.


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sorry to hear that mate. Have they made a mess of the roof then or is it repairable? shame, is a very nice car.

Why dont you drag the red one round the front to give them something to go at instead!!

Did you get the cabby going alright? - forgot to ask - been mad round here lately!


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ayup ross cabby is running, had to swap dizzy, still need to finish a few jobs .
damage is repairable but could do without hassle and cost.
 did you get out christmas eve ? i went around town but home early-ish

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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yeah manage to get out from 11am til around 5 when the nipper came back from the panto.  then when missus came back from work sat and had a few with her, before stumbling to bed at an embarassing 9pm!!

must be something to do with being a dad - cant handle nearly as much as I could before she came along - or maybe just gettin old!


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bit of both mate, and you will also find that when the missus wants an early night , it doesn't mean what it used to  mean …..

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost
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