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Posh Totty Top 10


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Posh Totty Top 10

novocaine said

gentlemen please some of us are in work and can't leave their desk's now.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm kate beckinsale. sorry moment of weakness carry on.

oh and what about the lisa rogers

Lisa Rogers…. a fine choice.
As for Kate Beckinsdale. Attractive but is she posh ? She's just Lenny Godbers daughter after all !



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DubPartz said

As for Kate Beckinsdale. Attractive but is she posh ? She's just Lenny Godbers daughter after all !

Hummmm, are we blurring fact, fiction and fantasy here?

Then again, I suppose that's the whole point of this thread!

She still gets my vote though.

T :lol:


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How could I have forgotten these 2!!!!

mrs sam mendes

and the lovely ageless helena bonham carter!


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Tian said

Let's do the right thing and place this in at Number One.

Nigella Lawson

T :drool:

yummy i like too nibble on muff  :drool:  :drool: ins


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DubPartz said

Here's my trio of beauties…

Sarah Beeny

Nigella Lawson

Kristen Scott Thomas

Oh my god i live with all 3 of them small world .


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Estelle Skornik who played Nicole in the Renault Clio adverts.


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chudd said

DubPartz said

Here's my trio of beauties…

Sarah Beeny

Nigella Lawson

Kristen Scott Thomas

Oh my god i live with all 3 of them small world .

So Sarah does the DIY and Nigella does the cooking. What does Kristen do ?



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not alot really. :mrgreen:


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She is the matriarc of the cool wall on top gear init
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