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Time to turn off F1 (now with a funny bit)


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Time to turn off F1 (now with a funny bit)

Hamilton 25sec penalty.

Now 3rd

F1 is a joke, don't anybody tell me the FIA is not bias towards Ferrari  :(

As it clearly is.

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OMG thats a shockingly poor decision.

However, playing devil's advocate, you could argue its going to make the rest of the season more exciting by closing the gap between the top drivers.

F1 is a bit rubbish anyway, there's so much technology and the cars are so distantly related to anything road going these days, that its rather lost its way. A couple of years ago when Ferrari dominated, it was really dull, but there's been a few good races this year. Unfortunately today's race was dull until 4 laps to go, when it all got interesting enough to watch.



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Always has been, really p#sses me off, hamilton gave the place back to kimi & they still penalise him.

I was brought up watching F1 but over the last few years I've not bothered, just starts to get interesting again & now this

give me moto gp anyday


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adiebear said

Always has been, really p#sses me off, hamilton gave the place back to kimi & they still penalise him.

I was brought up watching F1 but over the last few years I've not bothered, just starts to get interesting again & now this

give me moto gp anyday

ditto,its really borin :(


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if they hadn't got him for that little peice of driving they'd have found something else. the sport needs the drama. to get the drama they are having to control the points by any means necersery so the final race is interesting. cant have someone run away with it all now can we.


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lola ferrari? oh mumma


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wooders said

lola ferrari? oh mumma



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see the problem is.. if Ron Dennis appeals against this, i can see a deja vu in the making:

FIA: shouldn't've done that
McLaren: Not our fault
FIA: It was, $15,000,000 please

 :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

bring on 2009, less downforce, slicks are back, and so is BBC2

1983 Golf 1.3 Driver:  


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Having looked at it in detail again, I can see why Lewis got the penalty. He was 1 car behind Raikonnen before the chicane at a slow speed as they entered. He did a dodgy overtake and used the escape route, but didn't do enough to negate the unfair advantage he'd gained - yes he got behind the Ferrari, but only by one car length at high speed, ie much less time difference, and also only very briefly, and also he used this diving behind the Ferrari in a maneouvre to slipstream then outwit him at the next corner.

So basically, once again McLaren can't win fair, they stretch and bend the rules too far.

Had Lewis not been so agressive, he'd have probably won anyway, since his overtake was done at the beginning of the rain falling and as it got slippier, the Ferrari was less able to handle the conditions as the McLaren (look how far Massa fell behind).

So upon close examination of the details, the FIA did the right thing. Remember, the FIA is an international body, and here in the UK we tend to only consider Lewis's view on things…….



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the way i saw it was he got along side (fair enough it was a bit risky) raikkonen pushed him out wide nowhere to go and took the run off waited for kimi to go past and rejoined behind him.

kimi would have had the run out of the corner hamilton had to back off then accelerate.

as for the slip streaming f1 cars actually create 'dirty' air behind them due to the aerodynamics of the car rather than a pocket as a result downforce is affected and you actually get less grip so technically its a disadvantage.

i'd agree with the comment about moto gp being the way forward. although things have been more interesting in f1 this season due to the lack of traction control.


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i'd argue that though the time gap may have been reduced by the time hamilton was back 'racing' behind kimi, he was actually quicker than him anyway. i can see both sides of the arguement, though i think 25secs is more to do with aiding ferrari than a fair overview of the incident.
 the dirty air is negated at that distance.


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Don't want to go over old ground but this (borrowed from a Nurburgring forum) made me laugh. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Got a Ferrari?
Not quite good enough at driving?
Are other boys faster than you in the wet?

Then you need:
Ferrari International Assistance (FIA)
This exclusive Ferrari only membership club has many benefits. Including:

- Anti overtaking assurance
Been overtaken? Feel a bit silly? Don?t worry, we?ll rule out the other
party, even if it?s embarrassingly obvious that they?re faster than you

- Exclusive access to a secret ?second lane? in the pits
Just to make things a little bit easier we?ve arranged a private second lane, just for you

- Guaranteed world championship?
Had a crash? Need to win the world championship? Don?t worry just limp across the track and take off your nearest championship title contender ? we?ll do the rest

-A bit strapped? Need extra cash?
Simply get one of your team to tell someone else how you make your cars.

- Bits falling off your car? Looking a bit dangerous?
At Ferrari International Assistance we operate a ?blind eye? policy just for Ferrari drivers

- Been a bit silly? Taken off another driver whilst following the safety car?
It?s ok, as long as you didn?t hurt yourself. I mean, who are Force India anyway!

"Video et taceo"


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Interesting that the ITV coverage on Saturday, they asked all the other drivers for their opinion and they all agreed with the stewards decision and not with Lewis, isn't it……



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haha sent that one round the office yesterday.
had to be careful when i sent it to a friend who works for williams. wonder if that would get him in trouble.
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