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knocking noise


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knocking noise

my 2.0l has developed a knocked noise,
please help
is it the big end bearings?
if it is easyre to repair or replace
cheers leo


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if it is the Big end shell bearings not too big a job drain oil take off sump and there you should see the big ends undo the nuts on the big ends and slide out the shells remember when putting new ones in make sure they have oil all over them, if your unlucky you might need the crank to be reground :cry:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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have you ran it low on oil? had the buzzer on? if you have had the buzzer on and the oil was fine it may have been your oil pump that caused it so id swap that too.

Is it definately a bottom end knock?

when was the last time the oil got changed? pull out the dip stick and check how dirty the oil is on it with a clean white cloth,if its really manky and old you may have jellied the oil and blocked an oilway and starved something.

not trying to panic you or anything but a knocking engine has many possible causes apart from wear and tear and on that note what mileage is it?


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im not sure the mileage of the engine
yeah the oil does looka a bit black adn manky
would it be a good idea to open it up and have a lookie see?
how much for the bearing cases?
cheers leo
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