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I've never been so insulted!


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I've never been so insulted!



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fulltiimejunglist said

that looks like its been on pimp my ride.

UN-Pimp My Ride!  :lol:


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wrap his car in clingfilm :wink:  if you do it right he wont notice till you have started driving out the car park and flicked him the V`s :lol:

how can anyone who drives a Suzuki Bellendo :wink:  critisize any other car on the road?

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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I get it all the time at work. 'when you gonna get a new car' 'that's a shed' etc….. :banghead:

Just ask him how his Suzuki will look in 20 years.

Or who would come up to him at the petrol staion etc to say 'nice car' or 'I used to have one of them' or 'I've always wanted one of them'.

Failing that, stick a drawing pin on the inside of the door handle and put something rank on it so when he sticks his finger in his mouth after pricking it he gets a nice surprise. :wink:

Yradave says relax.



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you could always just say what i say when knobs go on about my car.

my cars 20 years old and may look like a skip,  your car in 20 years time will be in a skip, if it lasts that long.

but frankly i'm suprised no one has just bumped him off the road for driving such an old ladies car… did he buy it off his granny or does he just have no street cred at all? does he train spot?  does he take weak lemon drink to work in a flask?

BEWARE KY05 UCO, blind and deaf white haired driver of red transit, avoid at all costs, he thinks running cars on to the verge is ok. i'm fine, car's fine, mood and make up not so good.


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this is an easy one

just take him for a ride in the beast

by the time you get back he will be putting the jap-crap on flea-bay. :D

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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is it a skip? are the wheels worth more than the car?


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All i know is the guy is a class 1 A HOLE, maybe i will take him for a spin and make him want is mummy!!!


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Heres a pic of my really rubbish car


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wow! that is bad go and tell him he's right  :lol:

i get it from people all the time about my gtd but your car looks mint against mine. if any one says ought to me i simply say each to there own. that usually gets a nod of the head and positive responce. if they dont agree with that statement walk away there to stupid to be aloud a opinion!



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Same, get it all the time.

I dont care though really i know my car pwns theirs.


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If someones got the gaul to directly insult your car to your face, no matter what car it is they are one of two things usually

1. very jealous type insecure people who gain pleasure from placing misery into the lives of others

2. they Like being smacked straight in the snot locker :lol:

either way, I tend to give people like that a look that says more then any physical action ever could :mrgreen:

wait till theres a crowd of people around and rip into him and make him look a tool even more than he sounds he is :lol:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti
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