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Adjust timing belt


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Adjust timing belt

When engine gets to a reasonable temp, cambelt starts squeeking a bit. Need to loosen a bit?


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Could be the tensioner on it's way out, get it checked sooner rather than later.


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They dont ave a tensioner the adjustment is in the water pump, which is brand new as I replaced it while doing the head gasket


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thats not the cam belt fella that's the drive belt (or fan belt) if it's making noise replace it. costs a few quid (even from hell frauds)

edit. whoops your on about a small block arn't you. sorry fella not awake right now.


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Ye thats why its in the small block section Novo haha :lol:

So do I need to loosen off my water pump a bit to slacken the belt?


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if its noisey you need to tighten it abit. the belt may need changing aswell as it is expanding at temperature.


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I'd be surprised if the belt is expanding - I'd be more inclined to look either at the new water pump or the tension in the V-belt. When it gets hot try taking the V-belt off and running the car, also some ecalyptus oil in the rad water would help if the pump is squeeking.


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Wont be the water pump cos its brand new, timing belt is only about 15-20k old. I heard somewhere on here that if its squeeking a bit when the engine gets warm, then it needs loosening

Or does it need tightening?


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If you over tighten the water pump you can damage the bearing in the water pump straight away.
Easiest way to find out what is squeking is to spray a bit of wd40 or such like on one component at a time until the noise stops, ok it doesn't fix the problem but at least you know where it is !


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Loosended the timing belt off, doesnt do it now. All sorted


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anybody now how to loosen the timing belt at all?


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Loosen the three bolts that hold the water pump in place and turn the water pump towards the front of the car and it will loosen the belt.


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Its a bit hit and miss all this. I've always adjusted mine by holding the belt with my finger and thumb in the centre of the longest run and tightening it until I can twist it through 90 degrees without using too much force. Seems to work.
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