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just watching the news

ans4r said

not all muslims are terrorists, most of the muslim population in britain are very nice, the bad ones have just been brain-washed with hatred.

im a muslim, born in uk, pay taxes, have tons of english mates, many of you have met me at meets/shows. i aint no terrorist.

basically what im saying is NOT all muslims are terrorists.

Glad someone came forward to clarify that important point. Unfortunately, its one which escapes many people, no doubt including some on this forum. Also, the more you look at immigration the more you realise its probably had a net positive effect on the country. Immigration and muslim extremist terrorism are not directly linked; many of the terrorists which have been caught recently are in fact UK citizens, born here.

Its more the ideology which has been 'imported' here. No doubt helped by our submission into standing side by side with USA and going against much of the rest of Europe (and Russia) in the Iraq war, etc etc. As stated before, UK (via British Empire) has probably committed many more atrocities and human rights issues (historically) than Iraq or any other muslim nation. And USA…… Vietnam war anyone???



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TERRORISTS! i'm more worried bout that group of 40 kids on the street corner smoking crack! i think it's more likely you'll get stabbed off a teenager than blown up by the taliban…… i'm only 22 but when i was a kid i wasn't half as bad as the kids now i think the government should employ people to beat some sense into the kids and parents for the matter of today and i'd sign up for that tommorow!


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ans4r said

not all muslims are terrorists, most of the muslim population in britain are very nice, the bad ones have just been brain-washed with hatred.

im a muslim, born in uk, pay taxes, have tons of english mates, many of you have met me at meets/shows. i aint no terrorist.

basically what im saying is NOT all muslims are terrorists.
no but all the  terrorists seam to be muslims i havent got a prob with muslims i just cant understand why come and live here then hate the west so much they want to kill us if i hated americans i would not live there :dontknow:


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rustys_mk1 said

TERRORISTS! i'm more worried bout that group of 40 kids on the street corner smoking crack! i think it's more likely you'll get stabbed off a teenager than blown up by the taliban…… i'm only 22 but when i was a kid i wasn't half as bad as the kids now i think the government should employ people to beat some sense into the kids and parents for the matter of today and i'd sign up for that tommorow!

Yes I agree fully most kids pick up their bad habits at home and then take
their newly learnt skills  outside.

Gary Newlove killed by youths because he told them to stop damaging his wifes car.

That poor girl killed because her clothes and makeup were in the Goff style.
The list is endless.
 :dontknow:  :dontknow:  :dontknow:  :dontknow:  :dontknow:  :dontknow:


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Ok whats the answer?

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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A5OPY said

Ok whats the answer?

Now thats an even bigger list so I'll start it off.

1. Tolerance.


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How about a UN with the power to make the difference?

And a bit of humility from USA, instead of bulldozing their views over the rest of the world and the middle east in particular?

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