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just watching the news


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just watching the news

more terrorist plots, we're lucky they all keep getting foiled.

"get british soldiers out of muslim countries and you won't get killed"

how about get muslim 'soldiers' out of britain then?!

i just don't understand why we allow them to stay and terrorise our country.

when it suits them, they claim to be british (benefits etc).

i don't even feel safe in MY country anymore, surely english people should be able to feel safe in their own country.

1983 Polo CL - daily

1984 Golf G60 Syncro - sold

1989 Rallye Golf - sold

1992 Corrado G60 - crushed

1989 Polo C - chopped and crushed

1991 309 Style - crushed


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whoops there go another can o worms….
i agree with what you are saying , and yes this country needs  drastic action but no politician will ever have the balls to do what it needs.
and whilst we are having a rant doesn't anybody else realise that kiddy fiddlers WILL eventually be exepted ,and already get protection rights, just the same way gays were and are now an everyday part of life.
this country skanks decent ,honest hard working folk and looks after low life skumbags… :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  sorry if it sounds all political but will anybody ever change it?

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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the whole immigration system is in chaos
my ex works as a midwife, she has told me that this country has not enough nurses etc, so the government encouraged foreign nurses, mainly from africa to work in our hospitals, but they dont screen them for aids etc. yet in africa a high proportion of the population suffer from aids/hiv. now we have nurses working in our hospitals with the aids virus which has been hushed up.
also on budget day i was sat beside a polish worker watching the news and the main points of the budget.
how did the budget effect me ? i smoke, i drink, i drive, i pay tax so the budget had no good news for me
my polish ' friend' doesnt smoke, doesnt drink, doesnt drive and has 2 kids back in poland who have never been to britain, found that he will be getting an increase in his child benefit sent to poland every week
what is going on ????  :dontknow:

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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The whole Western perception of terrorism is skewed. Yes, its not a nice thing, but the fact is its a weapon of 'war', and it kills civilians in the same way that bombs dropped from an airplane do. How many civilians have the Americans killed in Iraq? Or Vietnam? Fact is, USA has a pretty bad record when it comes to human rights, historically Britain is worse due to the British Empire; communism (China, Russia, Cuba, others) are pretty much on a par. So why the fuss about Middle East terrorist attacks?



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My grandad (polish) came over in 1941 after fighting a world war and got b*gg*r all for his valiant efforts, worked in the uk all the rest of his life and still got bu**er all when he needed help in his old age.

But now the factory where I work is now 80% polish and they get every thing handed out on a plate. But yet they have added nothing to the uk  :cry:

Most don't even bother with the little english traditions, like carrying insurance for their cars.

"Video et taceo"


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yeah well now the economy is going down the pan the pols will head home with our money

the uk is now over populated and the goverment fell it right just to hand out money to anyone who asks apart from the english  :banghead:


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the government promotes fear using phrases like 'the war on terror' to control us and manipulate our opinions and to take away our human rights (id cards nessesary to combat terror).

i mean john are you really afraid to go out ? in halifax ?

i'm pretty sure al qaeda aren't planning to bomb leeds town hall

i was watching the news when the earthquakes happened and people in grimsby were saying ' i didn't know what it was thought it might of been terrorists'………………………… WHAT???????????? a terrorist plot to blow up grimsby i think people need to get a grip if i was in london, birmingham, manchester, or glasgow i might be worried.


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stusublime said

i was watching the news when the earthquakes happened and people in grimsby were saying ' i didn't know what it was thought it might of been terrorists'………………………… WHAT???????????? a terrorist plot to blow up grimsby i think people need to get a grip if i was in london, birmingham, manchester, or glasgow i might be worried.

Fish capital of the country , with out Grimsby there would not be fish fingers and all the kids would starve   :roll:


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Slightly off topic.
9-11 have you read the book all of the conspiracy theories that went on. Some of the experts seem to think that it had nothing to do with Al-Queda.

Having visited ground zero and talked to a few of the people who where there at the time I'm not sure it was as straight forward as you might believe.

If you look at the area which these buildings came down in how could they fall
so neatly into such a small area.

In an ideal world we would all get on together skin colour religion would make no difference god help us humans if the Aliens ever want to take over the earth.


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Best one I heard, was that it was a massive advertising campaign by the retail chain 7-11, but they got the dates wrong.....



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I live in huddersfield which has a huuuge ici chemical factory so i worry about terrorists as we are bound to be on the list, johns right why should we be worried in our own country? We need a system to get in like in Australia

82 golf cabrio (long term project)
83 golf driver (now a gti)
87 mk1 caddy
2004 landrover defender
2014 landrover defender 


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the bombers hit list must look like del boys van :




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Remember, historically the IRA set a bomb off in Warrington.....



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paul_c said

Remember, historically the IRA set a bomb off in Warrington…..

Fair point, i just dont don't know why people are worried it would only worry me if i lived in london !


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can you not be worried about your own country as a whole?

surely you are bothered about the attacks on london?

1983 Polo CL - daily

1984 Golf G60 Syncro - sold

1989 Rallye Golf - sold

1992 Corrado G60 - crushed

1989 Polo C - chopped and crushed

1991 309 Style - crushed


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i am bothered and agree with you i just don't get the living in fear bit.

 i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna get blown up by a terrorist when i go out today but if i was in london it might concern me.


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Re: just watching the news

mk1john said

more terrorist plots, we're lucky they all keep getting foiled.

"get british soldiers out of muslim countries and you won't get killed"

how about get muslim 'soldiers' out of britain then?!

i just don't understand why we allow them to stay and terrorise our country.

when it suits them, they claim to be british (benefits etc).

i don't even feel safe in MY country anymore, surely english people should be able to feel safe in their own country.

Soldiers? I dont class anyone who wears flip flops, smells of B.O and is such a COWARD that they do not display a "identifiable uniform"

anyone can hide behind a shamag, a suit, or a tracksuit! the fact of the matter is these brainwashed idiots, yes idiots who demand recognition and expect people to pay homage to them??? because they are muslim? is brainwashed and fanatical belief bred by evil people to instill hatred into foolish people

Why should anyone bow down to someone elses religeon?

Last time i looked at any history book Britain and the Meditaranean and most of the rest of the world has christian faith

so why should someone else try to inflict their evil onto an island that has neither the inclination to dislike it, or is really that bothered about what it subjects believe as long as they are decent people

There is no room in the world for muslim extremeists, but there is an answer to their problem, they can either ALL go to one specific place and all be together to paractice evil amongst their own kind (that wont happen because they like the Jihad too much and would soon fight against each other) or they can wear identifiable uniform or insignia to designate who they are and what they believe and represent on the "battlefield"

At least that way they can be indentified and hated by all instead of hiding in the shadows buying japati flower and killing innocent people in OUR country just because we neither care what they believe or worship as they do

I dont think people dislike muslims? i think we all dislike terrorist cowards

so come you 7 stone weasels, stop hiding in the shadows, step up to the plate and get yo ass kicked fair and square :wink:  or sod off somewhere else!

Tipton taliban………..bunch of clowns

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Re: just watching the news

mk1john said

more terrorist plots, we're lucky they all keep getting foiled.

"get british soldiers out of muslim countries and you won't get killed"

how about get muslim 'soldiers' out of britain then?!

i just don't understand why we allow them to stay and terrorise our country.

when it suits them, they claim to be british (benefits etc).

i don't even feel safe in MY country anymore, surely english people should be able to feel safe in their own country.
well said but what about scotland wee dont want them , go on john smeton :mrgreen:


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paul_c said

Remember, historically the IRA set a bomb off in Warrington…..

Remeber the bombs well two as I recall.
One outside Mcdonalds and the gas works on the A49 Winwick rd.
it certainly never made me worried about going out in warrington or any other town or country.


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not all muslims are terrorists, most of the muslim population in britain are very nice, the bad ones have just been brain-washed with hatred.

im a muslim, born in uk, pay taxes, have tons of english mates, many of you have met me at meets/shows. i aint no terrorist.

basically what im saying is NOT all muslims are terrorists.

1983(Y) VW GOLF GTi

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