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Boost your number of total posts here!!

DRIVERS: If a car breaks down or stalls in front of you, beep your horn and wave your arms frantically. This should help the car start and send them on their way.


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Minor skin grafts can be performed on pigs by covering any small cuts or grazes with strips of bacon.  :D


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drivers: to prevent you car being stolen whilst your away from it. siphon your fuel out of the tank and carry it with you in 2 large buckets


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dont buy a mermaid tights

83 BBS MK1 GTI 69 T2 PANEL VAN i am back let the trouble begin :)


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Dyslexics. Try deliberately spelling words wrongly. This way at least you have a chance of spelling them correctly.


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cyclist: carry 10 litres of water and a washing up bowl to make it eay to find a puncture.


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A POST-IT Note stuck beneath the nose is an ideal way to foil lip-readers.


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wibble wibble I,m walking backwards for xmas,big dogs,BIG DOGS landing on my face yip yip  :tlc:  :tlc:  :tlc:

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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Save on expensive car repair bills buy buying your very own garage complete with equipment and mechanics and then simply book your car in for free!  :mrgreen:


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RAPPERS: Avoid having to say: "Know what I'm sayin'" all the time by actually speaking clearly in the first place.


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office worker: if you need to get a job done with no distractions a post it note on either temple acts as a very good set of blinkers.


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A cat tries to get a sausage out of the river but get paws wet and gives up!
It then sees a bigger sausage floating in the river and falls in trying to get it!!! Moral of the story!!!
The bigger the sausage the wetter the pussy! :wink:


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Cracking piece of nonsense there... Anyone else?... Come on... :D


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confusus say. 1 in bush worth 2 in hand :dontknow:


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Old Indian proverb…

Man who go to bed with itchy bottom… Wake up with smelly finger!



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dont go to bed angry with each other stay up and fight instead :lol:


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:lol: I see Walt was worried that I over took him in the total post count :wink:


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We could just start a word Association thread?


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What do you reckon then Walt...........


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……….. I'm waiting
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