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My Lhasa project


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My Lhasa project

Finally, a few pics of progress that i've made on my 83' Lhasa Green Gti.  Here is a picture (after a good wash and wax) of how my golf looked when I bought it last Autumn.

The interior:

Anyway, very pleased with it's apparent solidity and originality I drove it around for a while with a view of slowly restoring it back to its former glory, but not so immaculate that it can't be used fairly regularly or left out in the rain.

The car had done about 115k miles and drove very nicely, the interior was also in very good nick and the bodywork, that was exposed looked pretty good, bar a few scratches and small spots of rust…….


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I'm fortunate enough to live next door a great Mechanic.  Pete and I took the Golf down to a ramp to have a look underneath.  Its all pretty solid, but so caked in old waxoyl and dirt it was hard to see.  There was a patch needed welding on the right hand sill that needed fixing for the MOT, and the wheel wells had the odd bit of rust on them (and really dirty).  I thought i'd tackle these first to preserve them as long as i could.  

Steel Brushing to get all the caked on gunk off (really laborious).  A bit of dremmel sanding over any areas of surface rust to get back to shiny metal.  Then I applied some nice thick oxi primer over the metal, and some disgusting green hammerite top coat.   

Finally….  Some black underseal stuff.  Not too pretty, but very practical and protecting.


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Curiosity getting the better of me, i removed the arch covers.  Bad idea!!

The one above was by far the worst.  But all were pretty dismal.

Other issues with the bodywork underneath, that justified a tidy up and re-spray…..

Attempted break-in.

Spare wheel well rust hole.

Back Panel a bit rotten.

Tailgate rust.

Time to spend some cash on metal and paint to make it nice again.


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Oh, yeah.  Remnants of a big ole' spoiler, that must have been fitted at some point.

One order with Mr Crazy Quiff.  Nice nu-metal.  Second had front wings, in the correct colour with rust free arches.  Rear arches and front and back lower panels.  I decided the ones on the car were both a bit cack, rusty and could do with replacing.  

In self-contained mk1 garage.


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Good luck,what is it with Lhasa green and tin worm?

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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Thanks.  I know.  Shame as the car seemed great before i started pulling stuff off.  It's totally great now i'll post some pics as soon as.  :wink:


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There are a few shots of the prepping.

At the body shop, with some new arches.

New lower rear panel.

Bonnet in primer.

Making my bathroom floor nice and red.  I managed to cover up all of the black grill plastic, but it was a pain.  I should have disconnected the surround in retrospect.


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Here she stands.  Nice and shiny.

New stripe decals off DK knight.  Sill's straightened and painted with stone-chip then lhasa.

I sanded down the wiper arm rust and re-sprayed.

Wheel well hole patched up.

New, fresh lower rear panel.

My man Simon at the bodyshop did a good job of tidying up the dodgy tailgate rot.

Nice red grill, lots of spit and polish



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i bet that's a great feeling, can't wait to get mine painted up

looks spot on!

a lot of people seem very happy with dan's mk1 stickers, i'll let him know they're going down well next time i see him

1983 Polo CL - daily

1984 Golf G60 Syncro - sold

1989 Rallye Golf - sold

1992 Corrado G60 - crushed

1989 Polo C - chopped and crushed

1991 309 Style - crushed


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Thanks a lot buddy.  

I'm really happy with how it turned out.  Didn't cost a fortune either, great value re-spray and a bit of time sorting out the basics.  All the best with yours, i'll be keeping an eye on your thread.




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Looks like you have had a good job done there.
Gives me a little motivation to get cracking on with mine.
Just picked up a load of NOS panels for my Helios Campaign resto project, 1050 mile round trip…..  8O


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Wow, thats a mission!  It'll be worth it though.  I hope it goes well, look forward to seeing it.


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It's been leaking in the rain.  The rear passenger side footwell is a bit damp.  I've looked at all the door and boot seals, they look very tired.  Anyone know where i could hold of new ones??


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Looks great - I get a warm feeling when I see restos using my panels :)

On the seals - make sure it's not coming in through the rear light seals - the damp carpet may just be the water running from the rear into the front.

Check the door drains are clear

I doubt if you are leaking apst the seals - most likely coming from the unsuspecting areas - worst case - strip out the interior and run a hose over the car to se for sure.



Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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Cheers Rich.

I'm chuffed to bits with my car now.  Thankyou for the advice on the leaks i'll get on that asap.

All the best

Gillie  :wink:


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Hi Gillie liking the finished product, 8) ,
Can I ask where abouts did you got the work done?


Alpine White LHD ("SOLD")


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Thanks Dubstar,

glad you dig.  The place was called Anerley Crash repairs, down the road from me, and a guy called Simon worked on my motor.  Hopefully this link will work.

I was really pleased with the work, took a little time but there was a conciderable amount of welding to be done on my car.  The welding and paint job is top notch for quite a small fee.  

I'm at forest hill, where abouts are you based.

All the best,


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Ok, i've run a hose over the car to find potential leaks, there is a bit of water coming in from behind the door card on the passenger side.  So i'll remove that and re-seal.  

Also, Rich, you were right the rear light clusters are letting in a bit of water so i'm going to re-fit them and then run a bit of silicon sealant around the edges.  What product should i use, i've never bought this before?

thanks for any advice.



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Hiya well Im in Woolwich Plumstead borders live oppisite Belmarsh Prison, but up until 2 months ago worked at Euro Car Parts in Bellingham and I used to speak to Simon on the phone, as I worked in sales, that a small world??


Alpine White LHD ("SOLD")


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don't use silicon sealent. use rubberised underseal it wont rot you paint work. can get it from any good motor factors. or waxoyl will help too.
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