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Wheels poking out arches.


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Wheels poking out arches.

fulltiimejunglist said

Well you said it looks crap.

And im guessing you agree about the wheel placement then?

Thats fine but i was working out whether there was an offence and now i know there is for definate i think its rubbish, its like standard English laws full on jokes.

I see landrovers all the time with insanly fat wheels buldging out their arches 3 feet high from the ground, that could be hectic as someone could fit under the wheel, you couldnt even put 3 fingers under mine.

Plus police leave them be, pull over the young kids in the Golfs just because their young, my mate got took off the road cus his mk3 was rubbing cus it was too low, even thats a joke.

 :lol: a lot of suposition based on little or no experience of the police and the law or whats safe or unsafe :dontknow:  anyway you sound like ya have all the answers there mate………….and i never pull golfs over..they are usually driven by people with taste and manners :wink: not weeners in baseball hats :wink:  

Just so you know what a mk1 looks like with wiiiiide rims……….heres mine :mrgreen:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Ok getting it back on track, the reason VW didn't put the wheels sticking out further is that they'd have contacted the arches. They have the lip around the arch which takes up maybe 20mm because the bend and the shape makes the panel stiffer so it doesn't flop around.

You can modify to make the wheels stick out more if you like, but you have to deal with the following 2 problems:

- Unless you make the suspension much harder (eg coilovers, but wound up not lowered) the tyre will contact the arch
- The wheel centre is much much further away from the bearing (in the original design, the offset of the wheel means that they could place the bearing close to the wheel centre, therefore not putting a load on it) and so it will put a much greater load on the bearing. So you might find premature failure here:

You can also modify it to go much lower (but not stick out) if you make the suspension harder, and have less travel, so the tyre doesn't contact the curve of the bodywork within the wheelarch on full travel.

As for the illegality of it sticking out past the bodywork, I don't know the reasons behind it but I do know its to do with Contruction & Use regulations, which are a complex area. Basically any deviation from wheel/tyre combinations, unless type approved on that model of car, could find themselves foul of C&R (don't know the details though….)



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its very nice, could be a little bit lower :wink:

And i would space those a little bit more just to satisfy my needs.

And if the police arnt very experienced what gives them the right to say my cars not road legal/worthy because my wheels are poking out by a little bit.


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You can have wide wheels which are also low (its been done but its not simple) by going the other way, ie making the wheel centre sit further in. For this you'd need to (at the front) make shorter wishbones and custom top mounts; and also alter the bodywork. At the rear, you'd need bodywork mods + narrowing the rear axle.

I don't know how you'd do it and pass the MoT, because any welding on rear axle or wishbones is an MoT fail area - there's certain areas which cannot be welded on a car, its deemed so important for structural strength that it must be as manufactured. (I saw it on a Dutch car).



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but to slam a caddy dont they chop and weld a bracket from the top of the axel to underneath?

Which would leave it a mot failier…

Im not sure how i do it yet to be quite honest, i only know basics but i would have thought you could get it as low and wide as id be wanting, untill i made my other with berg arches or alike, then the amount of spacers will probablly make my axel snap …..


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construction and use is a mine field, but you cannot run rims legally that protrude past the vehicles arches in this country.

Americans can have open wheeled hot rods and bikes, but ours must be covered

as has been said if its not done with thought and the right suspension and wheel tyre set up you will just make a car that looks good standing still because it wont be driveable or handle at all, you will be forever replacing the arch trims or tyres!!

the correct way to do it is add metal the the arches and flare them, there is no cheap way to go any more than realisticly 8j on a mk1

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Cheers for letting me know about the front wishbones, didnt know that tbh.


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fulltiimejunglist said

its very nice, could be a little bit lower :wink:

And i would space those a little bit more just to satisfy my needs.

And if the police arnt very experienced what gives them the right to say my cars not road legal/worthy because my wheels are poking out by a little bit.

There's always the option to reject it and contest it in court, though, if you feel you're right and they're wrong.

As far as seizing unsafe vehicles (is that what the PG9 is for?) I guess there's some kind of appeals procedure, again don't know the specifics but I'm sure TOTR can fill us in here.



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paul_c said

fulltiimejunglist said

its very nice, could be a little bit lower :wink:

And i would space those a little bit more just to satisfy my needs.

And if the police arnt very experienced what gives them the right to say my cars not road legal/worthy because my wheels are poking out by a little bit.

There's always the option to reject it and contest it in court, though, if you feel you're right and they're wrong.

As far as seizing unsafe vehicles (is that what the PG9 is for?) I guess there's some kind of appeals procedure, again don't know the specifics but I'm sure TOTR can fill us in here.

PG9 in the commercial vehicle world normally means vehicle has to be recovered to a authorised repairer ,faults rectified and then re MoT'd before PG9 is lifted

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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I will have to settle for my mk1 not handeling as well as it could obviously.

But its more i dont get why theyd be so botherd about it, would it matter if mine were out by just a bit?

Is it the rim or tyre that would make it fully illegal, as streaching tyres is illigal too id be pretty wounded.

Need to go to Germany  :lol:

And ive seen many mk1s that have fully nice stance and im sure they wont have had thousands spent on them.

And many police pull golfs over, its a joke, they jsut look at you like hmm you dont have tracksuit bottoms but your young so means you smoke crack, not insured and your cars stolen and if not theil patronise you about smoking bud.  

As your here top of the orange, is there anythign i can do whe  i get pulled over at like 11+ at night and they say your out too late, when i was born i wasnt given a time restriction from what hours im allowed to live.

So i find it really annoying and would like to know if i had an argument as i really hate getting told to go home as its too late.

Spend the rest of the night thinking youl run into the same officer ….


I bought it thinking theyd think the opposite


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I honestly don't think they are that bothered, minor motoring infringements probably come quite low down on the list of things to tacke, its more to do with tackling criminals who use a car, than those with modified ones. But, by modifying your car and making it illegal you're opening yourself up to trouble - same as German plates, etc. Why is it cool to be illegal? How about being cool by modifying tastefully AND staying within the law?



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Toto, theres a nice cabby with some nice bbs, not sure what bbs to be exact but it sits at the police stantion by me, looks proper nice, fair play if its anyone on heres.

Sutton Station, usually parks on my road but ive done a bit of stalking  :P


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A PG9 covers a multitude of things unsafe/dangerous/non conforming on a car, from window tint too dark, sharp edges, fuel leaks, bald tyres, wheels too wide!! etc etc its basicly anything that is considered dangerous or a hazzard to the public or other road users and the driver of that vehicle, notice you come last on the list :wink:  

you need to have at least 2 defects to get a PG9, so if it were wide wheels you would have at least 2 if not 4!!!

a trained PG9 officer will take photograhs and document all the information and interview the driver at the time, then submit a summons file, the car will be updated on PNC as prohibited from use untill the defects are rectified, it dont always mean your car will be towed away, but if your caught driving it twice your just compounding your own misery! AND its no good getting ya mate to drive it as the PG9 stays with the car, not the driver and they would be liable aswell!!

There is NO APPEAL process, thats why we have courts, they decide.

There are coroners courts up and down our fair land held every day, where dead peoples relatives hear all about how X Y and Z did this and that and how contributing factors ended there loved ones life, so its worth considering WHY the laws are there to start with!!!

Any amount of money can make you look cool, No amount of money can make you live longer!

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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This post has answered my questions, any one wants some nice 13 x 7 superlight (same as mini lights)?!

Got them fitted to my cab and they stick 1.5" out front because of the spacers. They sit loverly at the back tho


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I dont want to look 'cool' i want my mk1 too.

I want it to be the spec i dream ti to be so…

Plus i want a german plate as thats what its suposed to wear and speed cameras cant catch you with one :D

And ive been to court twice now, once was cus some dumb ass police officer didnt do what she said she would when i had to produce and didnt have my cover note through yet, another was my crash were i was in court due to a bald tyre and due care and attention, when i didnt stop at a give way then there was a ka coming up the other roasd towards me, i gave her enough room to pass easily and she didnt move her fatself over so she ended up front ending me.

In court i ended up getting thrown out of the court room to 'chill out' for half hour, as the police officer didnt write down the fact there was LOADS of gravel on the give way point, she was on my side of the road, i was on my side of the road and the conditions were wet, so to the magistrates i was guilty. (There were also many other things that the court did to make my life alot harder)

Shed come in the direction of a pub and wasnt tested for alcahol, couldnt stay in her lane and couldnt go onto her side of the road to miss me so

 i ended up with 3 points and a ?250 fine, apparently i could have got 3 for the tyre and 5-6 or sumut for driving without due care and attention.

Id already lost my car as i didnt have fully comp insurance as i couldnt afford it.

So when it comes to arches i dont think id have much of an argument tbh.


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jamo, why sell them?

Take the spacers off and wouldnt they fit?

And if not, keep them anyway blatently look mint, any pics?


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speed camaras can read german plates test it if you want.

they can also read a plate thats over reflective
and if you have a cd in the window.


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haha gutted, they never used to though about 2 years ago did they?

And is it right when you dont see a lense in the camera it cant get you?

Best way is a fully dirty reg plate then i guess, see it all the time on mk5s, looks good too tbf.



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Ill try get some pics, thoy wont fit without spacers the best i could do is probably 20mm.

But as its been said spacers arent a good idea, i dont want my pride and joy falling to bits!


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if a speed camara can't read your plates the image will be checked for regonisable fetures these include car showroom stickers,modifications, tax disc etc. if it is a forward facing camara your face is on it too.

the image will be sent round local stations if they want to catch you they will.

camaras don't read plates people read pictures. if the system can't auto recognise your plate it will be viewed by a person and i know they can read german plates.

as for no lense cameras have a coating on the exterior lens to prevent rain from sticking and glare from sun light. if you cant see the lense it can still see you. it is true that not all boxes have a camera in all the time but do you want to take the chance.

most cameras have now been upgraded to digital (if not all) so there is no maximum speed limit for a camara. any ideas you have heard for evading being caught are normally a crock of <><> as the police will have heard them and the cameras will be altered to catch you.
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