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Anyone seen a copper?


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Anyone seen a copper?

I don't know the details, but if its not a specific offence its under the catch-all "Driving without due care & attention".



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Topoftherange said

HATO`s are an expensive way of "policing" our motorways, they are nothing more than AA men without the truck!  

 :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Topoftherange said

 waste of time an effort for a job thats already being done by police.

But doesnt that go back to originality of this thread…
When did you last see a copper on the motorway..

But i presume, get rid of HATO's, police re-appear….
Keep HATO's., see no police then..


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Thats about the size of it mate…… their wisdom the police forces have adopted "roads policing units" no longer just "traffic" as that implies all they do is that

Just Cruising up and down the motorways ALL DAY is a thing of the past, the "old guard" of white hair and moustaches with jam down their ties is long gone, hey they even arrest people now too :lol:

there are loads of unmarked cars about still though :wink:  aswell as the loveable speed and average speed cameras they do part of the job i suppose :dontknow:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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After 400 motorway miles today I only saw 1 proper police car, loads of wombles and far too many middle lane motorists.  TBH it's the ones that hog the outside lane that annoy me more.



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Thats right thats why I drive in the middle lane. I think it also preserves the front tyres :wink:


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The inside lane is often restricted to 60 mph or less because of the lorries and the tarmac sometimes resemble tram lines and imo can be dangerous at times, hence why I use of the middle lane.


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I have been known to use every available lane :wink:  especially in my mates 1973 RS 911 :lol:  its the only way to keep it on the road :wink:

non servo assited brakes are a novel idea on a car so powerfull 8O

( :roll: waits for rants about speeding etc)

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Topoftherange said

judging by most of the PCSO`s and HATO`s i have met they are all pretty dull people and "Wanabees" im afraid

are not all coppers wanabes? just a bit more succesful at it.


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wanabees? how can you be a wanabee if your doing the role you wanted to do wooders? these lot are all failed applicants normally

the point being PCSO`s and HATOS either arent clever enough or cant get in the police for other reasons…….lets face it if people are gonna hate you then you might aswell be hated for the right reasons! AND still have full law training and powers of arrest, pension etc

many people think they know all about policing, but its very obvious its still a very reserved occupation with its inner workings and methods, also is it because theres too many police programmes on tv now and people think they have it all worked out?

arm chair critics all over the place, they could never do the job though :lol:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Topoftherange said

wanabees? how can you be a wanabee if your doing the role you wanted to do wooders? these lot are all failed applicants normally

the point being PCSO`s and HATOS either arent clever enough or cant get in the police for other reasons…….lets face it if people are gonna hate you then you might aswell be hated for the right reasons! AND still have full law training and powers of arrest, pension etc

many people think they know all about policing, but its very obvious its still a very reserved occupation with its inner workings and methods, also is it because theres too many police programmes on tv now and people think they have it all worked out?

arm chair critics all over the place, they could never do the job though :lol:

Here here!!

Maybe I'm biased though!


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My step bro is a community support officer  :lol:

Just failed an application for the police, trying again in 6 months i think

Hes not dull though, must have been due to another reason?

'83 1.5 Gx (picture coming soon)


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Topoftherange said

wanabees? how can you be a wanabee if your doing the role you wanted to do wooders? these lot are all failed applicants normally

the point being PCSO`s and HATOS either arent clever enough or cant get in the police for other reasons…….lets face it if people are gonna hate you then you might aswell be hated for the right reasons! AND still have full law training and powers of arrest, pension etc

many people think they know all about policing, but its very obvious its still a very reserved occupation with its inner workings and methods, also is it because theres too many police programmes on tv now and people think they have it all worked out?

arm chair critics all over the place, they could never do the job though :lol:

I didn't mind watching that female copper singing the other night on the TV. She wanted to make a success of her singing so that she didn't have to go back to Policing. Not all coppers are bad :wink:

How did she get on?


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Topoftherange said

the point being PCSO`s and HATOS either arent clever enough or cant get in the police for other reasons…….lets face it if people are gonna hate you then you might aswell be hated for the right reasons! AND still have full law training and powers of arrest, pension etc

many people think they know all about policing, but its very obvious its still a very reserved occupation with its inner workings and methods, also is it because theres too many police programmes on tv now and people think they have it all worked out?

arm chair critics all over the place, they could never do the job though :lol:

i mostly agree


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MK1_Arron said

My step bro is a community support officer  :lol:

Just failed an application for the police, trying again in 6 months i think

Hes not dull though, must have been due to another reason?

What you will probably find as with all police forces they are saying to people

 "oh sorry you missed out on the level by 1 point, but you can be a PCSO if you want?"

All the time its Government funded and the places are available they will keep filling them, as soon as the funding is pulled next year it will be a different story you see

No pesonal disrespect to your brother, and he is probably as frustrated with the role as others? but they arent an effective way of solving social problems, sometimes it just creates more as they cant resolve situation there and then.

What really needs to happen is for the country to have a "Cull" of all the wastes of space who cause all the social problems all the time, about 3% of the population are criminal or behave in an unaceptable way, "because they are under priveleged or poor" well thats the excuse they always give, but i know people less well off too and they dont feel the need to burn sofas at 2 am on their front porch and drink endless cans of cheap lager with the rest of the estate!! whilst carrying an 18 month old baby around dropping fag ash down its filthy clothing!,  but then a cull is officialy called Genocide 8O , although it may work as i think its been tried and tested recently :dontknow: but i hear Yugoslavias and the Balkans is a nice place to go now though :D

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Topoftherange said

What really needs to happen is for the country to have a "Cull" of all the wastes of space who cause all the social problems all the time, about 3% of the population are criminal or behave in an unaceptable way, "because they are under priveleged or poor" well thats the excuse they always give, but i know people less well off too and they dont feel the need to burn sofas at 2 am on their front porch and drink endless cans of cheap lager with the rest of the estate!! whilst carrying an 18 month old baby around dropping fag ash down its filthy clothing!,  but then a cull is officialy called Genocide 8O , although it may work as i think its been tried and tested recently :dontknow: but i hear Yugoslavias and the Balkans is a nice place to go now though :D

Its not like that where I live, its quite nice. Dull, you could say. But from extensive research (watching the Jeremy Kyle Show) I know what you mean.

Unfortunately, I don't have the solutions at hand……or suggestions….I can't really go with the genocide option. The only thing that springs to mind is the USA waste a lot of money on planning space flights to the Moon and Mars - maybe that money could be better spent?



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Its not like that where i live either! but from the job i do i get to see it all im afraid!

I believe another chap from history did experiments like the ones you suggest? his name was Doctor Mengeler (sp) though :lol:  and worked for a certain A.H of Austrian decent

outer space is still to close for some!

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Believe me… Dullville is a good place to live!!!!

As 'Top' says, we don't live there.. but know someone who does and yes I know it can't be nice for the people who live there either but the peer pressure to move away from the estates, rather than live with your mates, go out with your mats sister, commit crime with your mates and ultimately get sent to prison with your mates is just tooooo much for the doonbrains to comprehend. They wouldn't be able to hack living away from the pack on the estate with the back up it provides (hit me I'll get my 6 mates over to put you in hospita).

Maybe paul_c's moon and space exploration quote isn't that bad, the Shuttles could be offered to 'select' members of society who would be 'ambassadors' of earth and be shot off on the voyage never to be seen again.

Bit expensive…. the Slotting Squad idea has a better ring to it!!!

I think I need to sleep!!  :oops:

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