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Anybody else at work?


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Anybody else at work?

Hard at it at Drax power station 12 hours day shift, any body else working? :(


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Hard at it, on a golf forum! I feel safe knowing that our power stations are so diligently manned!!

I feel for you though. Working through choice, or did you offer? Personally I quite like working over the holidays - it's quieter, you have more time to do the things you never get around to and the people you do talk to are in the christmas spirit…


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diligent? i can't get the vision of homer simpson out of my head.


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No it's a normal day normal shift every day here we don't even get paid anymore, so we are putting in the extra effort surfing the net and eating. Hommer Simpson is our role model some of us strive to get to that level of work :wink:


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Out in the gulf missed my ickle ones first birthday and christmas :cry:

1983 GTI-Black

MY very first one AND LOVING IT!!!!!


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:lol:  I just got in!!! worked christmas eve into christmas day and boxing day!! and i will be in new years eve and new years day :banghead:

Januarys wage packet should be fairly "heavy" though :wink: …….i expect gordon browns already spent the extra tax revenue by giving all his cronies a pay rise while us poor coppers go without one :wink:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Topoftherange said

:lol:  I just got in!!! worked christmas eve into christmas day and boxing day!! and i will be in new years eve and new years day :banghead:

Januarys wage packet should be fairly "heavy" though :wink: …….i expect gordon browns already spent the extra tax revenue by giving all his cronies a pay rise while us poor coppers go without one :wink:

Police pay rise: 2.5% staged from Dec
MP pay rise: 2% staged



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working the night duty all week including New years eve.  :banghead:

GTI Campaign Helios Blue, Going back Standard
GTI Campaign Schwartz Black shouldn't have sold
GTI Mk7 Performance pack Daily drive
Polo 1.4sel Sunset Orange The Wife's
Triumph Tiger


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paul_c said

Topoftherange said

:lol:  I just got in!!! worked christmas eve into christmas day and boxing day!! and i will be in new years eve and new years day :banghead:

Januarys wage packet should be fairly "heavy" though :wink: …….i expect gordon browns already spent the extra tax revenue by giving all his cronies a pay rise while us poor coppers go without one :wink:

Police pay rise: 2.5% staged from Dec
MP pay rise: 2% staged

? NOT THE CASE…………..Police pay is not actually back dated to september, so only equates to a 1.9 %…  far less than even a basic cost of living rise….so everything increases in price but police wages dont go with it? yeah i can understand that logic…………labour facists rather spend it on ilegal aliens than their own police service……….im sure the home secretary is nice and safe with my armed "underpaid" mates sitting outside her million ? mansion in Sevenoaks today though

MP`s really are the scum of the earth………….

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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wooders said

diligent? i can't get the vision of homer simpson out of my head.


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Topoftherange said

paul_c said

Topoftherange said

:lol:  I just got in!!! worked christmas eve into christmas day and boxing day!! and i will be in new years eve and new years day :banghead:

Januarys wage packet should be fairly "heavy" though :wink: …….i expect gordon browns already spent the extra tax revenue by giving all his cronies a pay rise while us poor coppers go without one :wink:

Police pay rise: 2.5% staged from Dec
MP pay rise: 2% staged

? NOT THE CASE…………..Police pay is not actually back dated to september, so only equates to a 1.9 %…  far less than even a basic cost of living rise….so everything increases in price but police wages dont go with it? yeah i can understand that logic…………labour facists rather spend it on ilegal aliens than their own police service……….im sure the home secretary is nice and safe with my armed "underpaid" mates sitting outside her million ? mansion in Sevenoaks today though

MP`s really are the scum of the earth………….
 aye the scottish copper got it thats what happens when the pms scottish ha ha :lol:


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2.5% staged from Dec equates to 1.9% in real terms. 1.9% isn't great, but its not a disaster. After all, if everyone got high pay rises, it would drive inflation up, which would be much more serious for everyone.



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paul_c said

2.5% staged from Dec equates to 1.9% in real terms. 1.9% isn't great, but its not a disaster. After all, if everyone got high pay rises, it would drive inflation up, which would be much more serious for everyone.

Get your head out for once!

Which other job (besides the Armed Serivces) do you run the risk of getting shot, stabbed, driven at, assaulted, sworn at, work shifts, weekends and have to be prepared to scarifice personal safety (ultimately death) for ones Office?

The first 30 minutes of overtime is for Queen and Country, which other organisation does that? Can you see Trade Unions allowing it? NO!

So before you think… its not a disaster… when you are getting a kicking and the copper isn't quick enough to save your bacon because the others on his/her shift have left due to low pay, think again. Next time you get a copper who doesn't seem interested in your burglary, think again, maybe he's feeling slightly fed up with being turned over on his pay deal and has no way of retribution.

Fair pay for a fair day.



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Dano said

Get your head out for once!

Which other job (besides the Armed Serivces) do you run the risk of getting shot, stabbed, driven at, assaulted, sworn at, work shifts, weekends and have to be prepared to scarifice personal safety (ultimately death) for ones Office?



1990 MX5 Mazda
2003 VW Passat 130 Sport
Sylva Fury 'blade powered…


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You're missing the point. I've nothing against the police and they do a good job, as illustrated by Dano. The point I'm making is the government must control inflation, and one of the methods is to put a brake on public sector pay rises. Higher inflation will be felt negatively by all 60 million in the UK, not just one particular job sector.



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We all understand the inflation argument and it does hold water. My problem is that 1.9% is a disaster and the Government will get away with it provided the Police don't talk any action.

Let's face it the Police do an amazing job and I for one wouldn't have the guts to do it. I've never met one I don't like and have respect for and I would understand if they decided to take industrial action to highlight their case.

It's interesting that Gordon Brown is asking MPs to accept an inflation rate increase in pay and that they aren't happy about it. MP's pay only really accounts for part of their earnings which are usually bolstered by what they actually trained for which brings in much more.

Tian :roll:


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paul_c said

You're missing the point. I've nothing against the police and they do a good job, as illustrated by Dano. The point I'm making is the government must control inflation, and one of the methods is to put a brake on public sector pay rises. Higher inflation will be felt negatively by all 60 million in the UK, not just one particular job sector.

Nope, I'm not.

The both sides were bound by the findings of the independant body. The body said 'pay them' (ie 2.5% for September) but the Government said 'yeah OK we'll abide by that but only from December' (ie 1.9%) in real terms. Its a pay cut in anyones eyes and the Government has done the dirty.

Other employers would see a walk out/ industrial action if they pulled a stunt like that but the Government knows that cops aren't allowed to strike.
How quickly would pay be restored if all the officers went for a dodgy meal, went sick and no one turned up for work? Mayhem would rule and cops would restore order and take crime reoprts from people who would be glad to get their car/ telly or any other valued possession replaced rather than go on about the rate of inflation. If its all about inflation why has Scotland been awarded their full pay award?

A 'day of action' is planned in the near future and that should be interesting. It may not achieve anything but it will show the strenght of feeling against the Government.



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The government changed their mind (basically, later on they made a decision to stage all public sector pay deals, making a 2.5% rise into 1.9% in real terms), but they're allowed to do that - they weren't bound by law, it was merely a recommendation by a review body? In any case, I believe the police were in line for a greater % rise than other sections of the public sector. And, with knowing that the police cannot strike, he felt it was the right call to make. This pretty much sums it up:

Gordon Brown said

Gordon Brown is insisting public sector pay deals are staged this year in order to keep a grip on inflation.




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I agree it sucks, but unfortunately: LIFE AINT FAIR!



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Get out from behind the keyboard then and try front up a crowd of angry drunken folk and see if the pay rise isn't worth it.

You don't run much risk working in a pay processing centre, apart for tripping over a loose wire and incurring the displeasure from your boss when it cost a fortune to repair.

How can you tell a body of employees that the arbritatrion body is binding and then discard its findings. Its like saying that a person found guilty at court isn't cause the PM doesn't like the answer the jury gave.

The comment 'i believe is used frequently by people who think they know all the answers but frequently don't. How many publications are lying around your place of work on pay and conditions of the Police, or the emails that get forwarded to you from the Police Federation? None? I believe then that you haven't read the WHOLE subject.


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