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Why aren't you a member


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Why aren't you a member

In which way? Clearly paid up members enjoy more benefits and have a say in the way the Club is run.

That's a nice example of non paid up members being treated like second class citizens.


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golf1 said

In which way? Clearly paid up members enjoy more benefits and have a say in the way the Club is run.

That's a nice example of non paid up members being treated like second class citizens.

the answers easy become a member and attend the AGM its not looking down you want to be a member you pay up you dont then well dont !

83 BBS MK1 GTI 69 T2 PANEL VAN i am back let the trouble begin :)


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more chance of extracting blood from a stone


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golf1 said

more chance of extracting blood from a stone
Please explain why.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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well, i've just paid a tenner to club gti and im skint. It was a close run thing between club gti and the owners club, but what made me swing to the right was all those meaningful discounts on parts


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A5OPY said

golf1 said

more chance of extracting blood from a stone
Please explain why.
i am also a member of clubgti and havent used any discounts and wont renew it
i cant understand this earlier this year i paid ?35 membership to play cricket for my local team dislocated my knee in the first nets session and never once complained about paying received no benifitds and i will pay that again next year and may not play but with any of the sports clubs i am a member of its simple you dont pay you dont play

ecuse my typing

83 BBS MK1 GTI 69 T2 PANEL VAN i am back let the trouble begin :)


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I doubt it more like playful banter.



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?35 ??????? thats just not cricket!!! I used to play high level Rugby Union……..never once had to pay membership…or boots or kit come to that :wink: …….I showed my worth and made the club money with my "on pitch" exploits :wink:  like making oposition props fly :wink: and  tackling anything i could especially fly halfs!! they hate getting "munched" by props as they tend to be heavy :lol:  

Having said that when i played junior rugby "subs" of about ?5 was a requirement to play each week………

Like i said im sure more people would pay up if it was less to join, so the increase in numbers joining would make up for the revenue "lost" so to speak………

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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it seems that i might have solution to this problem.
even the most militant have to agree that the club needs cash to exist.
so here's my idea you pay ?5.00 per year with NO benefits at all just a clear conscience that you where doing your bit and not selfishly free loading.
or pay ?10-20 and receive discounts where applicable.
everyone's happy and on one need know which type of member you are as it would be marked up on the profile as Member..

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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i am also a member of clubgti and havent used any discounts and wont renew it

I've already penciled in significant savings on parts, panels etc relative to the club annual fees. I'll post them soon for you all to see.


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im not a member i didnt pay because i need to spend all my money on my car :lol:  well fuel prices

as a non paid member ive been treated the same as a paid member ok i dont get the discounts ect but im part of the club i helped organise the clubstand at vw action which was awesome

so i feel that all the people that say non members should pay up or leave are the real problem i would quite happily pay for membership if i needed to

each and everyone of us brings something to the club with there wealth of knowledge ect ect  so as things stand at the moment i think any change in the wrong direction by the club would kill it

how many members have paid ? out of all the people who log on


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bens_cab said

so i feel that all the people that say non members should pay up or leave are the real problem i would quite happily pay for membership if i needed to
I'm unsure what you mean by if you needed to? do you mean if you got something out of it personally, or if the clubs survival depended on it?

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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if the club needed me to pay to survive then id be more than happy i dont want anything from the club realy as im a giver not reciever :lol:

but to lure people to pay the club need to do something a bit special other than discounts which probally most people dont use

ive read this whole thread and feel like because im a non paying member im worthless i dont expect to have a say in what the club does but surely people should be treated with the same respect member or not!


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IMO-the bottom line is that the forum is dying, members are leaving almost daily and the excitement factor on a scale of 1-10 is about 1. I've been a watcher for sometime now and have slowly watched the painful demise of this forum. Its a shame as this site was once, the best of the best. Real characters such as walt, mad4it, dinky etc have departed to new pastures…poor (sick)owners club.


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if thats true the real question is why are they leaving?

i think thats just the way the internet moves, people come and people go.


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here is some food for thought
just on this thread alone we have had 41 different contributors
23 None paying members and 18 paid up members
so to answer the early question on how many members log on and post here is a snapshot make of the figures as you will.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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the only figures you need to take into account is, that this is the most exciting thread on the forum...offski


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golf1 said

IMO-the bottom line is that the forum is dying, members are leaving almost daily and the excitement factor on a scale of 1-10 is about 1. I've been a watcher for sometime now and have slowly watched the painful demise of this forum. Its a shame as this site was once, the best of the best. Real characters such as walt, mad4it, dinky etc have departed to new pastures…poor (sick)owners club.
something is puzzling me here you say you have been watching for sometime and feel the club is going nowhere so why did you join just 9 days ago? what was the draw what pulled you in to a club which in your words is dying????

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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if this is the most exciting thread you have seen then you need to get a grip

the club or website isnt dying weve just pickup up a few people along the way who feel the need to slate the place and do as they please

i think members with a post count lower than 50 replying to this thread is funny :banghead:

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