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Fuel Blockades Going Up


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Fuel Blockades Going Up

i cnt believe blair joined forces with all those countrys that have FOOK ALL
, your right about scum from other countrys,
y make friends with them when they are run by gangsters and criminals in the first place,
lets face it english crims are liam when it comes to forun ROOTHLESS criminals


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bigdave said

are we getting political??  :lol:

Dont really so politcs.. but soem of their values are true. their not racists they just want britain for britains…

I'll be happy with that


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Topoftherange said



We should all make 23rd April 'St Georges day' a national holiday and celebrate ourselves. Just liek teh irish do on Paddy's day


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paul_c said

bigdave said

are we getting political??  :lol:

I think you're on your own there, mate.

having read topoftheranges last post, i think you'll find im not!!  :lol:

as far as taxes go…. we work like stink for our weekly/monthly wage, the government then takes upto 40% of that and then taxes us again every time we spend whats left! If youre lucky enough to earn ?100,000 a year, before you spend a penny the government will take ?40,000 off you simply for living in england. assuming that you have a car which reflects your income (lets say a nice new bmw 530i)  then assuming u need to drive alot for work you spend ?800 a month on petrol (thats ?9,600 a year). mr brown and his friends will have about 60% of that in tax (?5760) then road tax is a further ?400 a year. you get through a set of tyres a year at a cost of ?800 (further ?140 in tax) Disks and pads ?300 (?52 tax)!! That leaves you with a grand total of ?53,648 so youre now down to ?4470 from your salary of ?8333 a month!! All this just to be able to get to work!!! then the cycle of tax on tax starts again when you try to feed house and clothe your family!!

I personally couldnt give a monkeys who runs the country, they'll still balls it up and then bleed us dry to cover it up whilst funding their extravagant personal allowances!


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I can't see what extra point you're making, I said all the way back on page 2 that people in the UK pay more tax:

paul_c said

the total amount of taxation is a little higher in the UK than other european countries

Anyway……how would YOU structure the tax system???



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the way the current tax system works is that every time money changes hands, the government take a slice for themselves! businesses dont want to feel the pinch of tax so they pass it on to the consumer! eventually every penny produced/earned goes to the government!!

If you live on a private road your still expected to pay as much (if not more) council tax as a house that isnt yet you get fewer services!

if you move house the government expects a cut,

when you die the government takes a large percentage of your assets,

road tax has gone up massively over the years and is now judged on the size of your engine, I'm sorry but how does a 1.4 ford focus cause less wear and tear on the road surface compared to a focus ST?

beer costs less than 0.5p a pint to produce, it costs the pubs between 30 and 60p a pint allowing for a 100% profit the government is still taking ?1+ on every pint sold in this country and they want to add more!

Every time they decide its time to get their greedy little hands on some more money to stock the TAX FREE commons bar with ?1000 bottles of whiskey etc they slap more tax on something they know is a large part of society!

If gordon brown announce they would be adding a further 30p per pint and 50p per pack of fags because hes given too much to illegals and wasted the rest on focus groups, we'd tell him to get bent and he knows it! so what does he do?! Tells us all that this extra tax is in the best interests of the country and to discourage unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking or driving a car.

so how would I do it? I dont know, is my honest answer! This current system would in theory work fine until the government gets greedy! few things i would do thou would be to tell europe to get stuffed, tell the usa to stick its special relationship where the sun dont shine and finally, stop giving hand outs to any one who happens to crawl from under a lorry! like topoftherange said, we should take a more australian approach! If a boat load of them turns up dont let it dock. if they all die on that boat then its their own stupid fault!


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Well said Bigdave and dont even get me started on that fictitious `Special relationship` rubbish with the USA!

keep on keeping on


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bigdave said


Well said Dave..
Like my comments earlier, its not just teh TAX that peeves us Brits off… But i agree, we probably couldnt do better in the tax stakes, but I'm sure we would have a good go at it..


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another tax

fuel duty
congestion charging
green tax
car tax
vat on everything
council tax
tax on cigerettes ( i smoke )
beer tax
and more taxes that havnt been thought of yet

they will get the money out of you, its just that the poorer will be paying all of the above whilst still paying tax out of there wages, so the only winners are the rich

robin hood made a good point
i kinda like guy fawlkes as well  :lol:

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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When i retire i am contemplating buying a good sized sailing boat and becoming a mariner in transit.. So my money remains my money and no government gets its filthy mits on it.

Thankfully my wife agrees with this plan.

I do whole heartedly agree with all replies, especially turning the UK more like Oz.. i wonder if we could change our climate to be like thiers too!?  8)

83 Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign - Mars Red - Totally Standard
78 Honda Civic 1200 Hondamatic - Silver
07 Honda Civic ES 2.2 CDi - Black, all the options!


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Are you going to one of the blockades on Saturday then, Pete? If you're coming to the Stanlow one, you could pop in and have a cuppa (if I'm in).

By the way, has anyone told them that fuel tankers don't do deliveries on Saturdays? So they won't need to go in-out of the depots?



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Well said everyone!  :clap:
I think you have just about summed up the views of everyone in the country!
Britain should be more like oz in so many ways, but we have already messed the country up! (I say we… i meant the government!) We shouldnt let people in the country unless they are Brittish or on holiday! And if they do want to come here, then they should be the people who are heavily taxed, and not allowed here for lengthy periods! We seem to help other countries too much, and forget that we have homeless people, and suffering in the UK! Fair enough, there are people abroad with nothing, and disasters happen abroad and we seem to plough money into those countries to help them. I wonder if those countries helped us when we had massive floods, and when we get trouble  :roll:



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We could be more like oz, but the ones who want that are just not rich/skilled enough yet to go live there.
Leaving a minority of hard working brits and some socialists

As for the blockade, why not just time it for when the cops go on strike?


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vdub_mk1 said

Well said everyone!  :clap:
I think you have just about summed up the views of everyone in the country!
Britain should be more like oz in so many ways, but we have already messed the country up! (I say we… i meant the government!) We shouldnt let people in the country unless they are Brittish or on holiday! And if they do want to come here, then they should be the people who are heavily taxed, and not allowed here for lengthy periods! We seem to help other countries too much, and forget that we have homeless people, and suffering in the UK! Fair enough, there are people abroad with nothing, and disasters happen abroad and we seem to plough money into those countries to help them. I wonder if those countries helped us when we had massive floods, and when we get trouble  :roll:
:clap:  :clap:


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I agree with the above.....well said! :clap:


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Its started in ellesmere port!


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whats the point in a protest when the police limit the number of protesters to minimize disruption?? surely the protest is designed to cause disruption and get noticed!!?
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