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Fuel Blockades Going Up


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Fuel Blockades Going Up

So, in summary, its "efficiency"?



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sort of.
but from a financial point of view not a work point of view.


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Oi!  You lot!  Me and Peddersgolf are trying to start a revolution here (or possibly two separate revolutions), and you're debating statistical definitions!


<b>Mister Wild</b>
'91 Rivage leather


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MisterWild said

Oi!  You lot!  Me and Peddersgolf are trying to start a revolution here (or possibly two separate revolutions), and you're debating statistical definitions!


What's the probability of 2 people starting a revolution? I don't think a revolution is necessary, not so close to xmas anyway.



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MisterWild said

Oi!  You lot!  Me and Peddersgolf are trying to start a revolution here (or possibly two separate revolutions), and you're debating statistical definitions!


im all with you on the revolution, but you have to have some sort of reasoning and evidence of bad governing…

wait what am i saying… this is the UK Government we are talking about!


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Skipback said

MisterWild said

Oi!  You lot!  Me and Peddersgolf are trying to start a revolution here (or possibly two separate revolutions), and you're debating statistical definitions!


im all with you on the revolution, but you have to have some sort of reasoning and evidence of bad governing…

wait what am i saying… this is the UK Government we are talking about!

Doesn't matter who you're revolting against, you still need some reasoning…..I'm all ears…..



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paul_c said

Doesn't matter who you're revolting against, you still need some reasoning…..I'm all ears…..

I'm not really the revolutionary type, I wasn't being entirely serious (especially now MI5 have come and taken Skipback away).

But since you ask, I am heartily sick of two-faced, incompetent government with an uncontrollable urge to intervene ever deeper into the details of people's lives and work.

Today, for example, I've been told to launch a full scale investigation to explain to HMRC into why my company has overpaid its PAYE bill by ?23.55.  OVERpaid, mind, not underpaid.  This will cost me hundreds of pounds in accountants' fees and cost HMRC at least as much to go through the results.

IT'S INSANE.  If taxes just went on nurses, schools, the police and fire services, roads etc etc I'd be more than happy.  But they go on bullstuff like this, and we all know it.

Rant over.  If you want the last word, the floor is yours sir.

<b>Mister Wild</b>
'91 Rivage leather


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the cost of motoring

we could all agrue that the cost of fuel is high, mainly due to the high taxes we pay on the fuel going to government. there are alternatives ie bio fuel being one alternative. but globally the powers to be do not want us using this fuel as it would mean no market for fossil fuels and these global powers would be left with billions of barrels of worthless fuel

one thing i have always thought of during debating this subject is…..
what happens if you start leaking oil from your cars engine ??
well as we all know the engine overheats and blows up or cracks the head etc
at the centre of the planet we have a lot of molten lava, covered by a crust of earth which we reside on, which i imagine is protected and kept cool from the heat from the earths lava core by somekind of natural cooling fluid….oil
and guess what we are draining it all out, what will happen when we drain it all out  :dontknow:

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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Re: the cost of motoring

opentopvw said

what will happen when we drain it all out  :dontknow:

As I understand it, oil companies are only able to extract a proportion of the oil anyway, Initially it comes out willingly under its own pressure, then they use secondary recovery techniques such as pumping seawater in to get another 5-10% out. So it won't collapse.



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Re: the cost of motoring

paul_c said

opentopvw said

what will happen when we drain it all out  :dontknow:

As I understand it, oil companies are only able to extract a proportion of the oil anyway, Initially it comes out willingly under its own pressure, then they use secondary recovery techniques such as pumping seawater in to get another 5-10% out. So it won't collapse.

well i dont think the replacing the oil wth seawater is working that well, not judging by the increase in earthquakes, volcanic activity etc we have had all over the planet during the last 20 years.
and i also read somewhere that at our present consumption there is only about another 15 years left of oil anyway
so back to the..
what will happen when all the oils gone  :dontknow:

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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Crude oil naturally forms at fault lines anyway; and there were earthquakes and volcanos well before oil extraction; and on other planets.



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still not having that paul, sooner or later we will drain all the oil out the ground, its not an everlasting supply
and like my 1.8gti engine if i try to cool it down with seawater instead of oil, my car will break down  :roll:

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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I'm no scientist, but I don't think the oil is there to lubricate the planet's moving parts.

The earth may be heating up, but surely not because it needs a top-up of GTX  :dontknow:

<b>Mister Wild</b>
'91 Rivage leather


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Re: oil

opentopvw said

still not having that paul, sooner or later we will drain all the oil out the ground, its not an everlasting supply
and like my 1.8gti engine if i try to cool it down with seawater instead of oil, my car will break down  :roll:

Yes, we will eventually run out. Some people are saying that the recent hike in oil prices (by the way, its come down 10% since then) isn't such a bad thing, since it focuses people on the long term problem and makes them think. BMW have already developed the hydrogen powered car, perhaps this is the way forwards? Or biofuel?

In any case, I'm determined to have a dirty big V8 before I die…..just a personal thing…..



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paul_c said

If you look closer overall, the total amount of taxation is a little higher in the UK than other european countries. So either the roads cost more to run (unlikely…) or the government are offsetting funds from the motorist to other areas (such as education, welfare, hospitals, etc). This offsetting of funds is absolutely necessary unless you can come up with a way of hospitals, schools and the benefits system being self-funding, commercial units (look at the healthcare system in USA, for an example).

Overall politically, you could simplify things to asking yourself "do you prefer high tax & good welfare" or "low tax, poor welfare". At this point, everyone must consider their own personal circumstance and think carefully about if they'd be better or worse off…..

i would personally suggest we adopt a sitatuion a bit like elsewhere, abolish the NHS.. Lets be honest, its most imigrants that abuse it anyway, liek my local dentist, appointment tomorrow for private and march for NHS.. so lets all get private medical insurance and abolish NHS, or operate a pay as you go situation..
As to the other big takes from tax payers in this country..
dole, abolish it, if people cant work for genuine health reasons fare emnough, but for all the 'too lazy' ones then make them at least do social services/community service for their money wearing big bright orange jackets saying.. I cant get a job…
Then the other, prisons and army etc.. Make them more strict, dont waste money on prisons, bring bach harsh times, make people scared of jail.. then teh army, bring back national service, everyone attends for 2 years.. Sorts that out, plus anyone who gets an ASBO/remand centre type telling off should be made to serve 6 montsh in the army as well.. that'll teach em

Anyways, sort out where the money is going, then bring down the tax on petrol…

dont make motorways toll roads or all the A roads will get full of lorry's and that'll spoil our fun.. But make awards for dual occupancy people at peak times

Sorry.. This is my opinion, may sound right wing to people.. But this country has the lost the plot, and the petrol prices is only the start of it…


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There's a lot of sense in what you say, Lawsy. I kinda agree with a lot of it. The UK has somewhat lost its backbone, firstly in terms of people whining too much about hard times in their jobs (aaaah my back aches, as I sit at my computer! I want a TFT! I want an orthopedic chair! more breaks! etc etc) while not really getting their head down and doing a good day's work. And secondly in the continual erosion of the countries strengths (manufacturing industry) which has all but been transferred to China and other faraway places. Yes, the service industry is building up, but this is rather a hollow promise when you consider the amount of stuff outsourced to India….

I hear that India is becoming too tricky/expensive to set up in, so what happens is the Indian element of a global operation further outsources stuff to Vietnam.

The only real stronghold the UK now has is in the financial sector, and that all happens in one square mile of London (which I've worked in, and I believe Drew is stuck in a rather tall office there, still working now…) and with the Northern Crock crisis which won't go away in a hurry, it might all turn to rubbish anyway! Should have let that bank collapse, IMHO.



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Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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are we getting political??  :lol:


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bigdave said

are we getting political??  :lol:

I think you're on your own there, mate.



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:lol:  I love this kinda debate………….the plain and simple truth of the matter is this………LABOUR government have ALLOWED every single migrant into this country over the past 12 years or so………as Lawsy says…….they abuse our national systems of health, welfare, and education, most of them arent here due to war or pursecution, infact 1000`s of them are literaly "the scum" of other european countrys who only come to our shores to carry on their criminality where they are relatively "unknown" or to scrounge and bleed the "free" handout system dry!!  and WE the inflated tax paying MUGS pick up the bill

Britain needs to stop bowing down to all and sundry and adopt a more Australian process to who it allows in here…….

Just this week i heard some "pimel schlacker" :wink:  saying how I CANT CALL CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS!!!!!! it has to be called "holiday season" I dont think so pal! i dont expect jewish people to change Honica, and if someone has a particular faith and dont believe in christ then thats upto them..but leave my one alone….. i live in England, it is of Christian faith……if you dont like it jog on elsewhere!  I dont expect anyone to believe in my faith as i do, so why should i be expected to change my customs and beliefs to suit other people? respect for race and diversity is a 2 way street and it seems as a "super nation" we always have to bend over and take one from anyone who says so!!!


Oil prices are being dictated by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…yeah right…. so why is the fuel price in America still abour 30p a litre????????

The fact is this government is just as bad as any that have gone before it untill something drastic happens, like a civil war!! its never gonna change…were heading for oblivion if our basic identity is slowly taken from us along with all our money!!!

Im not a Marxist…a racist…or a facist… a Realist!!

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti
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