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Absolutely exhausted


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Absolutely exhausted

Not one to whinge (normally!) but had a bad run of luck lately. My gearbox has got a whine after having a rebuild 13 months ago (so out of warranty), spent a 3rd world debt on a service and then last night!

Got a new mid section of the exahust fitted about 3 weeks ago (part was from Euro Car Parts). They had trouble fitting the stainless steel back box (not sure of origin, but was great looking bit of kit with good note!). Anyway last night, leaving ASDA thought - that's louder than it shoud be - back box has dropped off on way to shops - traced my journey - gone! No sign of it! It was getting long in the tooth (12 years old) but I likeed it.

Getting a new one is a mare! Seems you have GSF at ?36.50 + VAT and next best price is ?150!!

Anybody got any tips. Remeber the mid section is standard, but I have 4:1 manifold. I'm tempted to get the ?36.50 for now and splash out later on a new system when funds allow…

 :cry:  :cry:


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You could do what I did when I broke my back box while restoring my car, and make yourself one of these for ?15…

It adds a really nice raspy note to my Supersprint mid-section, although it is quite loud…




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lol, i like your style.  :lol:

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