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Done over by forum member


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Done over by forum member

Won't name and shame yet..

Bought some v.good condition polished handles which he told me will fit straight on my car no worries, which they don't.

I have questioned this after I received them on another forum, and he just said they will it…

But they are early handles which arent converted and nobody knows how to convert them… I have messaged him on 3 forums I think, stilll with no anwser.
He posted here last on 20th Oct, which was the day I also messaged him..

can the mods tell me when he comes online/signs on here?

Any other advice?


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If you've PM'd him and he hasn't read it the message will still show in your outbox

If it's no longer there, that means the user has read it

I'm sure someone must know how to convert the handle's on here though :dontknow:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Also more of a general chat so will move it for you  :wink:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Please can you let a moderator know who it is. While we can't get involved in individual disputes, if there's (a) member(s) who develop a habit of scamming others, we can warn or ban them to prevent them using the forum and classifieds areas, if needs be.



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are you sure crazyquiff cant convert them ???


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paul_c said

Please can you let a moderator know who it is.

Via PM too please  :wink: best not name and shame publically


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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could it be that they simply dont know as much as they think they do about golfs and are trying to save face now?!? :dontknow:


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I think the keepers are slightly different. You can modify them if you apply mind over matter.

I hope you can count?


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ive been done over too not buy a member   kayleyaaron  its only 15quid but its the principle :banghead:  i have email him or her has any one else had botther with this tool :dontknow:


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I hope you can count?


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MalC said

are you sure crazyquiff cant convert them ???

are YOU sure he didn't sell them???


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Did you sell them to fund membership?


I hope you can count?


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name and shame ???

i dont know if its possible, as i am 43 yrs old, so all that technical stuff is beyond me  :dontknow:
but would it be possible to have some kind of register, where people buying items from other members on here, could give there could leave a bit of feedback on the transation. i have sold a quite few items on here and for one would not object to this.
so what about it ? what do other people think ?

83  1.5 gl all black                          sold
86  1.8 gti cab all black light mods.   restoring
87  1.8gti cab standard helios blue.   daily driver
91  1.8 auto cab gold clipper.           breaking


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In General Terms

We've looked into this before, its not possible with the current forum software and it would be a lot of work to change it or integrate some kind of feature like this. Besides, we have other priorities so its not going to happen for a long time. There's guidelines on using the forum, and guidelines if you feel you've been scammed. But basically, we can't act as a 'dispute resolution' service so you need to take reasonable care when doing business on here, as anywhere else on the internet. For example, if you are buying secondhand parts, ask for pics or a good description of the condition.

Specifically on this case

The moderators haven't received any complaint as yet, so we're unable to further look into this at the moment. You can always PM any of the moderators, as needs be. If you don't get through, let me know.



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Its also good advice to view a potential sellers previous posts, how long they've been registered, etc. Take the 'number of posts' with a pinch of salt, though.



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If u agree to sell something to another member…arrange for a time when both of you are online and list it on ebay with a buy it now in a hidden section…e.g. call it red toaster and put it in kitchenware, even if it's Door handles for a mk1.  Then have them buy it now for an already agreed price.

This way you can leave feedback, and ebay can deal with any disputes, this forum has enough to deal with, constantly pulling me up for post watershed language!  not to mention wooders.


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

Resto =


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i resemble that remark!


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been stitched up too on here for the sum of ?35, cashed my cheque and bumped me.. still you learn from your mistakes i suppose.. also know that he stitched some others up too.. narks you off that so say "enthusiasts" can shit on each other like that. had my faith restored today however by crazyquiff who is a throughly good egg and top fella.  :D


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Give them an oportunity to respond, then name and shame.

How would you feel if you got 'done' then someone popped up and said, 'oh yeah, i got done by them too'??
How mad would you be that they didn't raise the issue earlier???

No genuine seller would mind this approach.
There are too many online users to list.