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Forum Censorship


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Forum Censorship

end of the day you sign up to the forum you agree to their terms and conditions including rules on language!! end of.


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I don't care much for rules and regulations, even more so the people that make them, and then exert the whole " power " thing in enforcing them.

I was PM'd by a mod for using a word that isn't really a swear word in my opinion ( you'd hear worse on Eastenders ). Totally pathetic.

As a result I don't come by here very often any more, and I'm no longer a member -  its a bit like being at school.  :( I consider myself an individual with my own opinions.

If it REALLY is the whole " children " thing then I can APPRECIATE that, I have a 2 year old son myself.

HOWEVER, the whole internet is filled with bad language, classrooms up and down the country echo to the sound of F's and S's.

I really thing what gets said on the forum ( within reason ) is the least of everyones worries.

Real golfers don't play with clubs


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Gold-mk1 said

I don't care much for rules and regulations, even more so the people that make them, and then exert the whole " power " thing in enforcing them.

I was PM'd by a mod for using a word that isn't really a swear word in my opinion ( you'd hear worse on Eastenders ). Totally pathetic.

As a result I don't come by here very often any more, and I'm no longer a member -  its a bit like being at school.  :( I consider myself an individual with my own opinions.

If it REALLY is the whole " children " thing then I can APPRECIATE that, I have a 2 year old son myself.

HOWEVER, the whole internet is filled with bad language, classrooms up and down the country echo to the sound of F's and S's.

I really thing what gets said on the forum ( within reason ) is the least of everyones worries.
couldn't agree less.
paul c's statement is basicaly fair. as for worse language on eastenders!? if they showed raping and drug pushing, would that mean it's o.k?
 i myself am never posting with intent to offend. the mods may decide it's offensive and take actions. so be it. just because i don't think it's right, doesn't mean it's wrong. they are referee's and as such will always get stick for trying to do the right thing. i'm glad you have the good consionce to concive the 'face fits' bit paul. it is hard not to be personal in such matters, however it is quite a personal site. it's a good site with generaly good members, who sometimes get caught up in the banter. it's meant in good humour, but some one has to draw the line to stop good humour turning to bitterness. if i do get a permanent ban from this site, then it would be a shame. i love mk1's and would try to help fellow mk1 enthusiast. if in keeping the site straight and wholesome means banning me though, then so be it for the greater good of MK1's and their loving owners.


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Hear hear, ban him now  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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I agree with the Mr. Gold 158.8888% on everything he has stated in his post. Why the misolodammm do you want kids ploughing through the forum posts is a mystery. They are of course engaged elsewhere chatting away to other children on more exciting and appropriate sites. The idea of family orientated ethos makes me laugh and has come directly from the founder himself, perhaps the idea of his children can look at the ?what he has created? comes to mind. The site of course is more appropriate to people who can drive the dam things.

And wooders before your post can be fully rated by the moderators you need to be a fully paid up member.


I hope you can count?


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mad4it said

I agree with the Mr. Gold 158.8888% on everything he has stated in his post. Why the misolodammm do you want kids ploughing through the forum posts is a mystery. They are of course engaged elsewhere chatting away to other children on more exciting and appropriate sites. The idea of family orientated ethos makes me laugh and has come directly from the founder himself, perhaps the idea of his children can look at the ?what he has created? comes to mind. The site of course is more appropriate to people who can drive the dam things.

And wooders before your post can be fully rated by the moderators you need to be a fully paid up member.

I'm a fully paid up member and i agree with wooders on this one
all things need rules school yard games to wars if you don't like the rules of the game dont play it….have you paid your ?20.00?????

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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I hope you can count?


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mad4it said


No im a hare (not as easy to catch as a rabbit!)

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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We seem to get a thread of this type every 6 months or so - not sure why? Maybe it's the 'waves' of certain people that come and go every few months? :dontknow:

In any case, the family friendly atmosphere we have and will always promote and maintain is not purely about language. It's an overall feel for the site and I believe it allows a friendly and relaxed place for people to come and chat about their love for the MK1 Golf, without threat of verbal abuse or otherwise for their opinions, feelings etc.

At the end of the day, everyone joining this forum -  and the lesser percentage who stump up their hard earned for membership (without who we wouldn't be here! :wink: ) know full well the rules of the forum and the club.

The answer to this thread (and all those of a similar nature before it) is quite simple. If the feel, tone, method, rules or however you wish to term it doesn't meet with your own approval, then it's your free choice to find a forum that does.

This is my own belief too, I've not just got my 'corporate' hat on :lol:

Nuff said?!! :wink:




1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Hairyarse said

At the end of the day, everyone joining this forum -  and the lesser percentage who stump up their hard earned for membership (without who we wouldn't be here! :wink: ) know full well the rules of the forum and the club.

Well said, oh and okay, I'll pay.

Tian :oops:


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Gold-mk1 said

I don't care much for rules and regulations, even more so the people that make them, and then exert the whole " power " thing in enforcing them.

I was PM'd by a mod for using a word that isn't really a swear word in my opinion ( you'd hear worse on Eastenders ). Totally pathetic.

As a result I don't come by here very often any more, and I'm no longer a member -  its a bit like being at school.  :( I consider myself an individual with my own opinions.

If it REALLY is the whole " children " thing then I can APPRECIATE that, I have a 2 year old son myself.

HOWEVER, the whole internet is filled with bad language, classrooms up and down the country echo to the sound of F's and S's.

sorry to all before i start this post but…

…you would be quite happy for your child to hear and use words such as mother f*****, w**ker and c*** in a public place regularly??  

can you imagine how you would feel if a parent phoned you to inform you that your young child had just called them a f***** c***!?!

is it acceptable for your child to follow in your blatent dis-regard for rules and authority and hit a teacher, stab a class mate or even decide that killing someone is ok?!

and we blame marilyn manson and the likes for these little nut jobs who drop paving slabs on toddlers heads or get a gun and start shooting class mates!!!! 8O


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i think it may be worth bearing in mind, that many people on here, do not have children. they will never quite understand natures overwhelming instinct to protect your offspring. their thoughs of wether to consider the experiencefeelings of little ones in this site, is that of ignorance. i don't hold that against them. one day i hope they have the blessing of small ones in their lives, then their eyes will be opened a tad wider.


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Ok, I think it's time to end this one, although it seems to be fizzling out anyway!

Firstly, wooders - one of the most sensible things you've ever said on here (ref your last post) - what's up with you?!! :lol:

Secondly, a few of you may have noticed this thread was pulled overnight. This was done as a temporary measure only whilst the mod team decided suitable course of action given with the last few posts things were starting to get out of hand and forum users were on the edge of strikes/bans when normally they would perhaps not get drawn in to such language, for eg.

The club has NEVER and NEVER WILL mod any thread or post purely down to someones feelings or opinion about anything, as long as they don't offend or break our rules for language or are seen as racist, bullying or otherwise. There was in fact a thread put up by Drew some time ago (I think after the last thread of this type!) asking for comment/criticism about the club but from memory not many people could be bothered to comment - we really will take it on the chin if it's constructive comments.

Finally, as for the rules, as already mentioned in the thread by a couple of mods, the rules are there for a reason and will not be changed. If you don't like them, then please feel free to go elsewhere and vent your language.

Right, can we now get on with some more light-hearted banter and chat about MK1's. PLEASE! :wink:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si
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