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Newbie to here...

Well thought i would come and show my face over here, just picked up a mk1 caddy last night, sold my other exactly a year ago, and miss its practicality and most importantly its coolness lol

After a few bits for it and was told to come see you lot…

Ive been into my vws for years and years now, currently own my long project of a Polo G40, which is just about drivable…

I also run a sticker and decal business on ebay and have recently launched my website…

not your usual sticker place, more for vehicle decals that arent made anymore, go and have a look and tell me what you think!

So yes, glad to be back in the with the mk1 crew again :D



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hello welcome to the site, good luck with the stickers and i hope there is a club discount???  :wink:

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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haha to be honest i have set my price to all discount! kept my prices as low as i can, id rather sell alot cheap than not alot expensive!

as us vw owners dont like to spend cash lol


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ello  :D


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Is that Dan there?

That's Baxter's T4 on your website isn't it?

I'm the fool who was buying the van, spoke to you about Matt gettin it shifted for me.

Just looking round and thought hang on, bloke from Huddersfield who does stickers. :o

Small world eh? Stick some more pictures up of the caddy, looks sweet. :wink:

Yradave says relax.



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nice caddy m8

and just got a couple of stickers off the site! :wink:


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alright mate, recognise your screen name off the huddsvag site
been to a couple of meets in the mk1.
hopefully see the caddy next week if there is a meet

1983 Polo CL - daily

1984 Golf G60 Syncro - sold

1989 Rallye Golf - sold

1992 Corrado G60 - crushed

1989 Polo C - chopped and crushed

1991 309 Style - crushed
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