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harewood house vw pix.


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harewood house vw pix.

I know i've taken a while to post these, but here are a few pix of the club stand and a couple of nice mk1's at the vw fest at Harewood house. I met Littlerolf there and he and his missus were super friendly and we had a good chin wag.

My fave car of the day!!

This was nice too, if a bit muddy!

Hope you like :D

'91 Cabbie clipper!!


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Nice one. Shame Littlerolf's was covered by the banner…glad you didn't leave mine out though  :lol:   I was busy autojumbling on the other side so didn't get a chance to speak to any of you, sorry! Brilliant mk1's though  8)


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Which ones yours?

'91 Cabbie clipper!!


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The Mars red diesel in the first pic!


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V nice :D

'91 Cabbie clipper!!


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last one is "grungeisdead" (Saf) on here
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