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ami gonna get owned

by wooders {-} [8 votes]
or not {-} [15 votes]
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cabriaulait said


i cant afford to be losing any rubber, put it like that.
gave up smokin two sets of tyres ago.

just talk me through your technique….unless its a secret!



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peg1 said

This is a hard one to call,

I would love Dave to win because I would love the fact that he has spent so little money on his mods
Peg x

i havn't spent any!


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cabriaulait said

do you want my r/r graph?? :lol:

yes please.


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after very very little deliberation, i have come to the conclusion that the devilishly hansome man of charm will win through the day in his proper mk1 over the notoriously dastardly and dare i say, astheticly challenged contender in the floppy topped pretender.


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read it and weep me dear, just enough bhp to balance the weight difference……

rebuild in progress....


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sorry but  wasnt that 5 yrs ago…..

rebuild in progress....


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yes. old car. sorry, but it was more for me to compare than anything.

sorry to be pessemistic, but you are showing 110lbs of torque at 2000rpm?


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best keep it above that then eh.
impressed by yours tbh

tenner on it….?

rebuild in progress....


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noted air temp……
wish id done mine in winter

rebuild in progress....


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cabriaulait said

tenner on it….?

theres mine


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that's a graph of my old car. that was a fast mk1. tuned by the same methods as yours. to a very low budget


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so what you gonna run sunday mucker,
lets have it all out in the open, like mine….

rebuild in progress....


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wooders said

83.8kW = 112 bhp, right?



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it worked out at 115bhp. think that was adjusted. look at the peak power rpm. 8v doesn't breath?


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I'd be interested to see a chart of lambda vs rpm, then you can rule out leaning at the top. So any losses (with flat AFR) are due to volumetric efficiency factors.



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whats under the hood woody??

rebuild in progress....


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yeah whats under your hood wooders

sounds a bit dogy to me :lol:


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we need to know how much you both weigh?
you may need to do like boxers mate.
my suggestion go for a dump just before the off

has he come up with whats under the bonnet yet??
whats he hiding ?
could it be the magic screw in the throttle body???? :lol:  :lol:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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A5OPY said

we need to know how much you both weigh?
you may need to do like boxers mate.
my suggestion go for a dump just before the off

has he come up with whats under the bonnet yet??
whats he hiding ?
could it be the magic screw in the throttle body???? :lol:  :lol:

Both have listed their mods in reasonable detail in the thread, and both AFAIK are going to be near/at standard weight, which is public knowledge. Based on experience, there's not a significant amount of weight you can remove from a Mk1 before you start to lose functionality. So the facts are pretty much out in the open, here.

Seems like a fair contest.

Now, ben, how much boost are you running (and holding) and should I be worried, given that my fuelling isn't quite optimal?

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