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Definition of styles


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Definition of styles

Hi there! I've had 4 V dubs over 3 years and I've read plenty of Performance VW and Golf + magazines, however, I'm still fuzzy when it comes to definitions of styles (Rat-look, SoCal, OEM, OEM+, etc). Anyone out there who can shine a light for me? I know most cars don't fall into 1 specific style and style is subjective, but I'd just to know what they represent!


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Its basically, something the magazines have "invented" to try and comparmentalise all the cars out there. Its utter tosh, really.



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i alwayswonderd what OEM stands for tho, i take it it's an abreviation for something????

1982 Non Sunroof Black 1600 GTI

2003 MKIV Golf PD150 GT TDI


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OEM - doesn't it (somehow) mean original?


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lakesk8 said

i alwayswonderd what OEM stands for tho, i take it it's an abreviation for something????

Original Equipment Manufacturer.

Used when describing parts, they might not be branded VW and come in their packaging, but its the same part from the same supplier who supplied VW.

OEM+ is when you use better versions of OEM parts, possibly from other models in the range. For example, 16V Golf engine in a Mk1 is the obvious example.



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Ratlook is when things are structurally sound and have been designed to look like sheds (or other stages of on their way to becoming sheds).

It is NOT just a scrapper, but many people will describe rustboxes as "ratlook" to try to sell them.

Cal look.. not sure how to describe it.  Can't imagine it on a Mk1, TBH, only on a Bug/van.


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i thought rat look originated from people spending all there money on engines, brakes etc but not bothering with aesthetics?  :dontknow:


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paul_c said

Its basically, something the magazines have "invented" to try and comparmentalise all the cars out there. Its utter tosh, really.
not much more to say really.


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What on earth is 'SoCal' then??? Sounds like a drinks sweetener! Or is it just 'Cal'?


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according to google SoCal = Southern California.

and this, is apparently a So Cal mk4:



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dont care wat others say i got my own style (see sig pic)



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you are using the word 'style' very loosely there


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*leans against juke box in track suit and puts thumbs up and shouts chickens!!!!*

god i'm kool.

 to kool for you all.



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you need a bigger 'style' budget. or some nail varnish.


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that style is know as the ROT look :wink:


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Rug On Top


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or  ROS look

right old shed :lol:


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i've never liked beetles
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