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Pierburg (Solex) 1B3 carb


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Pierburg (Solex) 1B3 carb

Hi there all,

Please can anyone give me some advice about the 1B3 carb.

I have obtained a lovely example of a GX which had not run for six years or so.  On examination, I found that the fuel had solidified inside  the solid fuel line (from sender all the way to the engine bay) and in most of the rubber fuel pipes.  No put off by this challenge, I took the solid line off and then scratched my head.  Having no ideas I chucked the solid line down the side of my garage and went away to find one.  I found that you can obtain them for 40 quid or so preformed so was going to spend the cash when I looked down the side of the garage to find the solid fuel had started to ooze out.  This was a present from the unusually warm weather we had in the spring.  Anyway, after another week of oozing and some compressed air, I had a 'clean' line !

Put it all back together and eventually got the car fired up, only it would not idle properly (ran fine and smooth at 2.5 to 4k revs).  As I intend to drive this car on a regular basis, I have decided that the carb should be treated to an overhaul.  My question is what would be the best option for refurbishment.  Either pay approx ?120 for a full refurb, or if there are any replacement carbs that can be puchased new? (if so, can anyone recommend anyone who sells or refurbs)? I have no real need to make the weber upgrade (wanting to keep the car as original as possible).  Alternatively, does anyone have a 1B3 that is in good condition that they may wish to part with for some sterling ?

I know these carbs are rare, so I just wanted some advice from the experts :)

Many thanks


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Can't help with the refurb bit , have you tried the VW dealer for a new one ? Or German Car Company [google 'GPC LUTON'] for a new one ? Some times carb cleaner will remove all that stale fuel deposits followed by redex fuel treatment in the tank

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