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Tatton classic car show


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Tatton classic car show

This sunday just gone me and the missus went to the classic car show and autojumble at tatton park near manchester, I'm guessing maybe a few of the north west members may have made it. it was a really good day, the sun was hot (perhaps to hot) and there was a nice breeze, it was a real nice day and i got some goodies from some of the trade stands.

There was only 1 little niggle for me, apart from my car (which was in the car park) there was only 1 mk1 golf, a black gl cabby, on display, and hiding at the back of the vw display behind all the campers and beetles (and 1 exceptional type 3  :wink: ) was a mk2 driver. now, i know that some people don't recognise the golf as a classic yet, but what makes early 90's mercs so special? or mid 90's fords?

it would really made my day to see just a few mk1's parked up and raising the profile of the club it really would have been nice against the wash of fords that was the top field( although the mk3 cortinas, pure life on mars!), i know that later in the year there is a vw show at tatton park which i'm hoping the club will be at (please please please!)

What i'm trying to say is that some cars, like the austin allegro, get a stand dedicated to the car perhaps singlehandly responsible for the death  of the british motor industry, and our little german hatchback, that the world fell in love with gets represented by 1 car in the free display. Just somhow that does'nt seem fair… :dontknow:

incidentally if the owner of the cabby is reading, nice car mate!

1991 Diamond silver 1800 16v Corrado 'Betty'

Gone, but not forgotten;

1985 Lemon yellow Polo coupe S

1983 Gambia red Golf C

1983 Diamond silver Golf GX

1981 Mars red Golf GTI


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I'll be there Aug 12th  8)  my Cab ain't concourse but it's going, my mate's bringing his Mk2 Gti n all. Hope to see plenty of you down there. May even try and make Leeds the weekend after, all depends on if I can swap shifts @ work, here's hopin  8)

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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I went to the classic car show at West Mids showground in Shrewsbury on the same day, and having seen the same type of cars as you did, I had the same thought that the mk1's would have been a welcome edition.  Shows like the ones you and I went to are not really something the club nationally should arrange to attend, as it would make the main shows like All Types, Gti Inters etc less of a special occasion for members, but maybe local areas who have enough members interested in going to a non speciality car show could do a census on whether to organise a stand.


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 but maybe local areas who have enough members interested in going to a non speciality car show could do a census on whether to organise a stand.

Thats a good idea, especially at this Classic Car Show at Tatton, there's enough of us in the Northwest to make quite an impact. I didn't go to this show as I didn't know about it till that morning and I'd planned to clean the Mk1 all day. Shame really as I only live 5 miles from Tatton. So next year the NW region (if interested of course) need to make an appearance at this show, it would make a change if nothing else :-)


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Well you can count me in.  :wink:

1991 Diamond silver 1800 16v Corrado 'Betty'

Gone, but not forgotten;

1985 Lemon yellow Polo coupe S

1983 Gambia red Golf C

1983 Diamond silver Golf GX

1981 Mars red Golf GTI


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Except that its over… was last weekend, not upcoming. I vaguely remember asking about it last year (before the event), and nobody was interested. I totally forgot about it this year and didn't go. I think there's a similar meeting in September some time.



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Paul, did you actually read the thread? we're talking next year mate.  :?

1991 Diamond silver 1800 16v Corrado 'Betty'

Gone, but not forgotten;

1985 Lemon yellow Polo coupe S

1983 Gambia red Golf C

1983 Diamond silver Golf GX

1981 Mars red Golf GTI


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holeinmk1 said

Paul, did you actually read the thread? we're talking next year mate.  :?

I did read the thread!

holeinmk1 said

This sunday just gone……..

Are you suggesting organising something for the show in 2008? For info, VWNW at Tatton Park is on the same day as Gaydon (club meet), obviously the club would favour its own event.



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Have I missed something???  :? I'm on about Tatton 12th August 2007. Ain't there a show there???????  :?

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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kavlfc said

Have I missed something???  :? I'm on about Tatton 12th August 2007. Ain't there a show there???????  :?

Yes you have, there was a classic car show at Tatton Park last Sunday.



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Yeah, :doh:  I'd figured that. Wot about August????? 2007??????

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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It clashes with Gaydon.



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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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so is the club not going to the vw show then? i hope so, if not we definetly should.

1991 Diamond silver 1800 16v Corrado 'Betty'

Gone, but not forgotten;

1985 Lemon yellow Polo coupe S

1983 Gambia red Golf C

1983 Diamond silver Golf GX

1981 Mars red Golf GTI


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holeinmk1 said

so is the club not going to the vw show then? i hope so, if not we definetly should.

If we did, it would split the club into 2 groups, at different events. Why don't you come to Gaydon instead?



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i did'nt know it fell on the same day as gaydon, it would be nice to go and put some faces to names. i would like to see the club taking a bit more interest in shows, and not just vw ones! if we have to do it as seperate regions representing our areas and not as a national club then so be it.

1991 Diamond silver 1800 16v Corrado 'Betty'

Gone, but not forgotten;

1985 Lemon yellow Polo coupe S

1983 Gambia red Golf C

1983 Diamond silver Golf GX

1981 Mars red Golf GTI


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holeinmk1 said

i did'nt know it fell on the same day as gaydon, it would be nice to go and put some faces to names. i would like to see the club taking a bit more interest in shows, and not just vw ones! if we have to do it as seperate regions representing our areas and not as a national club then so be it.

We do take interest in shows! The problem is there's around 18 VW shows per year, so if we tried to have a club presence at every show, those who are up for going to a few shows would be very thinly spread around each show. So there was a notional idea to concentrate on a reduced list of the better shows, while still encouraging people to go to the minor ones if they want to. I'd have happily gone to the Tatton Park classic show but I didn't know about it until afterwards (yes I went to the one last year but my memory is not that great!) I imagine if plenty of notice, and encouragement were given, we'd have gotten a good crowd of the NW guys and a few from further afield too. As I remember last year's event, it was massive with loads of cars and plenty of decent traders too, albeit spread across all makes etc.



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So the battle plan is, all welcome @ Gaydon but if you can't make it (I can't as it's along way to bring baby Archie as he'll only be 4 months old then) descend upon Tatton and convert the less well informed?  :D Sounds good to me, I'll print off some calling cards.  8)

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o
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