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re bore and pistons


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re bore and pistons

hey, i've got a 16v conversion and am thinking about getting it re bored, not knowing much about this i wondered if anyone knew wether the companies generally supply the pistons or does the customer have to supply the pistons and then the company match the re bor eto the pistons?? any help would be great. cheers.


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Rebore to a standard oversize (ie to take up the wear in the bore), or rebore for greater capacity? If its an oversize bore (for reconditioning), they'd normally obtain the pistons since they'd be a standard item in a standard oversize. If its for deliberate increased displacement, ie you're deliberately seeking greater performance, there's normally other issues too, such as stronger or lighter pistons and/or rods - in which case, you'd probably want to choose and purchase your own (and they'd probably be coming from the states?)



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it would solely be for reconditioning so i take it they would supply the pistons. cheers for the help,much appreciated.
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