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Are These Pics Right? Filter and Pipes


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Are These Pics Right? Filter and Pipes

Hi guys got a dumb question for you guys, can you check the pics below and tel me if everything is right. Also if the fuel filter is on the right way. Some I know keeps telling me its on the wrong way. So can sum1 confirm this? Please dont mind the rust particles coming through. Need to clean out fuel tank and change filler neck next week.


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Should be an arrow showing flow direction !

I would say that first pic shows flow from tank should be from right


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The filter doesnt have any arrows. Just says In and Out. So I was assuming IN ment fuel flowing in to the filter and OUT being back out to the fuel pump?


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yep, that'll be right then


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Cheers thanks guys. ;)


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JassiKundi said

 Just says In and Out.

shake it all about?


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In from the fuel pump,out to the carburettor or if before the pump your correct  :lol:

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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and we do the hooki pooki …

right anyway, I had some guy come up to my car and tell me another reson why it can likly cut out when driving, (besides the fuel rust issue) is that the return line pipe is to big in diameter from the fuel pump. Do I need to replace it with a smaller diameter inorder to maintain presure of fuel being pumped by the fuel pump?  :dontknow:
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