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washer motor problem


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washer motor problem

Hi All,

It's that time of year again and I'm doing the pre MOT check and I'm stuck a little.

I have a problem with the washer motor and I'm not sure what it could be. When I pull back on the stalk i get no sound from motor and no reaction off the wipers. When I disconnect the washer motor and pull the stalk the wipers move for 6/8 times (as normal I believe when cleaning screen).

I have replaced the motor with a working one and get same reactions.

I ran direct power from battery and motor works fine.

Tried added extra earth to connection still nothing.

Power is running to motor but it just doesn't seem to want to work and the thing that is confusing me a little is when I take of the connector to motor i get the wiper action. Could there still be a problem with the stalk I'm missing :dontknow:

any advice would be welcome.


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Try bypassing the switch with a length of wire to short the terminals. This will tell you if its the switch or not.

Pump may also work off a spereate relay, but thats just me guessing??

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