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Grrr, this list made me angry.


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Grrr, this list made me angry.

Grrr! look what I found on Digg and look what is number one. ONly in America could they say the cabby is the #1 girls car…

Hate, hate, hate!

'89 Black 1.8carb Cabriolet


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Hehehe, this does not bother me at all, but then, I have lady lumps.  8)

If it makes you feel any better, a French mate told me that my car is the number one pimp/dealer/bling/barry car in France and that I should be careful to lock it up in big cities due to it being a much-wanted car!

Bling bling.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Two lovely Golfs">


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"If I ever saw a male construction worker jump into one of these after a hard day on the job, I would have an immediate coronary"

I hope he does cos I love driving my cabbie to/from site!

Mk1 GTi White Cab '86

Mk4 TDi


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But since when do Americans have taste?

I always laugh at Cabriolets being penned as "girly" and "hairderessers" cars, the sad irony of it being is there any better way to wreak a well groomed hairstyle?  :wink:


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I hope you can count?


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:lol:  and these are views from Americans… know the ones who shoot our soldiers (as if we need any help)….who are governed by the little strutting war-monger Bush……..are obesely (sp?) overweight (generalization)……..who call a bonnet a "hood" and cant pronounce simple English words correctly
they probably even call it a "Cabr-eye-oley" coz they call Iraq "Eyeraq"!!!
and they cant go anywhere unless theres a Burger King either :lol:
 i too love my "hairdressers" car, and judging by the amount of admirers it gets on the road i guess its a bit of an icon :dontknow: , anyway its better than some fuel guzzling hunk of hideous designed American junk that dont go around corners without squeeling its tires or should that be Tyres??? that only does 80 flat out despite it being a V8 8O … bloody Americans :lol: just wish our fuel cost the same 8O  just my slant on America :lol:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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:clap: good rant topoftherange! couldn't agree more! :clap:


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it is a girls car and you lot are a big bunch girls  :mrgreen:
sorry if i hurt your feelings  :lmao:


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:lol:  oh to have the wind blowing through ya mullet eh :wink:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Ha Ha Ha, just the read the write up and its great, LOL … :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:

I am going to drive my GIRLIE mk 1…. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Mk 1, 1983 1300 Blue LONG LIVE TAFY

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but peg you dont have a cabby

rebuild in progress....


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anyway, girlie/gay what's the difference. lets face it, NO ONE buys a floppy and expects to be able to look manly. do they.?


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there you go. somewhere for floppy owners to feel more at home.


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wooders said

anyway, girlie/gay what's the difference.

Thats something you should really figure out for the sake of drunken internet photo embarresment  :lol:

wooders said

lets face it, NO ONE buys a floppy and expects to be able to look manly. do they.?

Why do people think cabriolets are girlie? are blokes allergic to sunshine or something? cause i'm not!

And i look extremely manly when i pull up to some chav, rude boy in his lowered clio/corsa!


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wooders said


anyway, girlie/gay what's the difference. lets face it, NO ONE buys a floppy and expects to be able to look manly. do they.?

i personally like "girlies" only pretty ones though :wink: and i am pretty "manly" Gggrrrrrrr :lol:   surely Wooders being "gay" is just a sexual preference isnt it :dontknow:  well appart from the "put on voice" the pink triangle badge a handbag and liking for gloria gaynor and barbara streisand songs :lmao:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Confession time, Our Cabby actually belongs to the missus…I enjoy working on it and enjoyed restoring it, but I almost never drive it. I always think of it as a 'girly' car and feel a right plank on those occasions in the winter when i drive it around for ten minutes once a week.

It is an iconic car and for my money the best desinged and most striking cabriolet design ever, but…….to be honest I prefer my Audi S3…..sorry folks i'll get my cloak etc. etc. :wink:

Bottom line regardless of where you stand, they are  fantastic motors.


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i too am personally not bothered about wooders bein gay either. i have actually got a couple of gay freinds, sally and jess, and their great!

rebuild in progress....


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what ever your all still a bunch of girls (in my defence I?m under allot of pressure at the moment and having digs at you lot is my only social activity) and yes I don't have any friends, but hey at least I don?t drive around in a girls car, you might as well go the full way and get a MX-5 :starwars:

make love not war and all that :lol:


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Cabbies are blatently girls cars! I don't give a monkeys though, they love it  :mrgreen:.

 and ?cute? it is from girls.

That can't be a bad thing really can it!

any 'normal' girl seems to think of the tintop as geeky, don't really blame them tbh, they are pretty geeky as far as cars go…again, don't really care, the tintop is for caning B-Roads, passengers just slow me down  8)

Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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Mx 5. 8O …….now that is A Gay car!!!  im all for gay ladies too, as long as they dont have dungarees and more facial stubble and tattoos than me :wink:

 hey dojo, you can have my Sportline…FREE… IF you admit on the internet you really are a
"chocolate speedway rider… the purple helmeted star of the brown track" :lol:

but you have to drive it every day without a crash helmet :wink:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti
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