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advice for a naughty girl...


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advice for a naughty girl...

I have been VERY bad….i have a 5000 word essay due in on friday, but i havent even started it yet. I went to see a tutor at uni today, and they said if i didnt do it i'd still get a BA Hons, but it would bring my overall degree mark down. What would u do? Try and get as much of it done as poss 2mora, and scrape a few marks…..OR…..concentrate on my 2 other modules and sack it off…….???


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If you know a bit about the subject i'd go for it and get the essay done… 5000 words ain't that many and from experience once it starts to flow it don't take long…

… got to remember the score you get at the end of your BA could affect you for the rest of your life…

but at the end of the day it's your conscience (sp) that'll decide. Put it this way, if the sun's out tomorrow i know what i'd be doing!!!

'85 GTi Cabriolet
'80 Kawasaki KDX 175
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well if i told u i dont really care what grade i get as long as i pass, would that make any difference? id be well happy with a third tbh. i will not EVER be going into what im studying, so my grade doesnt really make any difference to me.  :dontknow:


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gotta ask - what are you studying and why if your not enjoying it or going to make a career out of it?

if a third is all your after, then i'd spend tomorrow on a brewery tour at Bass… :lol:

Sounds to me like you've made up your mind!

'85 GTi Cabriolet
'80 Kawasaki KDX 175
'93 Kawasaki ZZR 600
'97 Chrysler Grand Voyager


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i know.i think my mind is made up. feel so naughty though.   :twisted:

im studying theatre design (specialising in costume). i took it cos it was pretty much the only thing i was good at wen i was at skool. at first i liked it, but then i realised what a bunch of stuck up snobby gits they all are. Thats why i have no friends at uni  :lol:

i decided not to give up, cos im not a quitter, so iv stuck at it….for 3 years….. :roll:

i've got 3 weeks left, and iv soooooo had enough! cant wait to leave!


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Well if all its gonna be is a piece of paper with maybe just an extra number on then i wouldnt bother :lol:
Best degree you can get is from the "university of life" anyway imo, i only have 6 GCSE`s and never went to college or Uni but i have never failed to get a job that I wanted to do, as long as your bolted together properly and have some savi then most employers can see that regardless of papers, but they do help for some jobs i guess, if only to get you in the door for an interview at least 8)

now Get down the Bass brewery :wink:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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I have a three hour exam next Wed morning and then thats it, finished my Business IT degree and never ever going near an educational establishment ever again (apart from the one I work in, but I get paid for that  :wink: ) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Been at it 5 years part-time with a year extra doing a Cert in Management Studies inbetween.

I plan to spend my free time doing what god intended, messing and driving old MK1 Golfs.

Now back to the books….. :cry:

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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If it's going on your CV for future jobs that require some sort of tertiary education, even if unrelated, you'll want it to be as impressive as possible to show that you have the ability and determination to get a good degree. Once you've moved on from your first job, it is unlikely to matter at all! It's all a bit frustrating really.

….if it was me, I'd probably regret not trying while I had the chance, even if I was tired, worn out and sick of the whole thing: use your final day as determination to get you through now. Focus on whatever you think will get you the most marks.

Bon courage whatever you decide.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Two lovely Golfs">


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Dont sell your self short ! You are obviously well capable of getting a decent pass and im sure you will regret just settling especialy after spending 3 years studying the subject. And also just because everyone else are stuck up snobs or burried up their own arse, it doesnt mean you have to be. Be different, who cares that you you dont fit in with them. Your probably better than them anyway (you must have better taste being a VW fan). It doesnt matter if you dont stick with this carreer path as other employers will look at your results and see what you are capable of regardless of the subject matter so it could give you a fantastic grounding in life. Its only 3 weeks the pub will still be there when its all over. Stick with it girl and best of luck  :D

Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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you are all right i suppose. but im not bothered about a piece of paper with numbers on. i already have a job lined up. at the moment im looking at it for a possible career, but then again, i could hate it in a couple of months.    :dontknow:  

iv come to the conclusion im no good at all this education crap. im much better at the hands on, hard graft stuff. always have been. im not made for sitting on my arse all day sewing stupid bits of fabric together for some ponce to fanny about on stage with, i like gettin my hands dirty and feeling tired at the end of the day. now ur all going to laugh when i tell u wot my job is….but i dont care!!  :lol:


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come on then tell us   :D

Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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My mate loves getting her hands dirty: she loves fixing stuff. She's a qualified engineer and she works on big ships in summer and does as little work as possible in a ski resort in winter. Even hands-on stuff requires a brain! Your degree - just a piece of paper - represents a chunk of your life where you used your brain a lot, so be proud of it. Otherwise, why not just give up now and not bother?

<img src="" border="0" alt="Two lovely Golfs">


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mk1turbo said

come on then tell us   :D

i work part time at halfords in wakefield on parts, and my new job is audio specialist at halfords in burton on trent. i would have never considered a job in retail before i started there part time. i always thought retail meant clothes shops etc, but i have absolutely loved working there for the past 2 years. i love learning about stuff there, and thats NEVER happened to me in my life before! i look forward to going to work (how sad am i)

my manager suggested it one day. said im bloody good at my job, and i realised that i actually am!!

a lot of people take the piss, especially people at uni. saying iv done a degree, then im working at halfords, but i dont care   :dontknow:


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Well, what ever makes you happy. But you did ask us for our advice :|

Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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mk1turbo said

Well, what ever makes you happy. But you did ask us for our advice :|

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

whats that meant to mean?


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Reading between the lines. You obviously feel that you should finish your degree to the best that you can do but your feeling a bit deflated and are swaying more towards the easy option. Other wise it wouldnt have been on your mind and you wouldnt have put this posting up.
Am i right ?

Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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kind of. i just feel bad not handing work in, and i know i can write good essays, but iv had enough of this course. all i want to do now is pass my degree, i dont really mind what i get. i think iv done well sticking at something that i dislike for 3 years, but i think im falling at the last hurdle  :lol:


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it sounds like you have done really well so far. I have got freinds that have performed in Les miserables and lion king in London. What if you where to aim high and work on sets and costumes like that or even film sets. There would be loads of traveling and sight seeing. Plus the money would be better than Halfords.
You must be capable maybe its just that you are in the wrong suroundings, so once you have finished your degree it could be time to move it to the next level.

Mk1 Lahsa green, BBS RM, Mk1 Silver Campaign, Mk5 GT TDi, Audi A4 Avant S Line


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mk1turbo said

it sounds like you have done really well so far. I have got freinds that have performed in Les miserables and lion king in London. What if you where to aim high and work on sets and costumes like that or even film sets. There would be loads of traveling and sight seeing. Plus the money would be better than Halfords.
You must be capable maybe its just that you are in the wrong suroundings, so once you have finished your degree it could be time to move it to the next level.

yea, that'd all be well and good, but i dislike doing it. im not doing something i dislike just because the money mite be better. id rather get an average wage and be happy, than to be miserable and minted.
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