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Euro Look


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Euro Look

Personaly i think its brilliant, ultra clean body work, chrome old skool deatiling, uber low ride, wide/small wheels and streached rubber……. i just think its really cool.

does everyone else think this, what other styles are out there?

can this trend only last a little longer or will it just keep evolving into something that is even cooler.

i think euro style is here to stay and think its wicked, i have been driving my clio round for about a year and thats had the euro treatment, silly low, smooth body and a set of 7.5x15 TH's polished.

sadly im now carless and cant wait to get my hands dirty on a mk1.


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yeah right.


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And which voice in your head is this reply too :|


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Better than the "Euro" look is the "Original look" It is exactly the same as the Euro look, but with pre ruined panels and paint, standard wheels and tyres designed and sized correctly for each other, speed bump resistant suspension and happy mood glass! A small bore exhaust completes the exterior look and the results should be noticable as soon as you drive it for the first time!… No more will people you don't even know, turn and look at you as you drive past, pointing out your resemblance to a male chicken…. No more will you feel the paranoya that all the poilice are out looking for you…. No more will you wince as you go over a speed bump, knowing that it could potentially mean a new exhaust or paint to the cills…. You will no longer feel moody and low because the happy mood glass will help relieve you from Seasonal Affected Dissorder….

And all this for an amazing price of absolutely nothing!

Unless you have pimped and slam dunked, your bad ass mutha to the "Euro" look already!

De pimping back to the "Original look" is not advised however due to the fact that you will not be able to come to terms with just how much money that you wasted in the first place and this will prevent you from doing what needs to be done! Best thing is to sell it at a massive loss and let a purist enthusiast restore it!  :lmao:

For example…

Here we have a Ciroen Saxo… "Euro" look…. For the price of a hideous decal, Seasonal Affected Dissorder tint film and the time and labour of removing the rear wiper, oh and a little rubber grommet for the hole, he or she has their rear view impared in as many ways possible… But it looks grrrreat!   :sick:


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I guess this sparks an interesting debate…

I can see both points of view for modifying and restoring - both will involve spending money that you won't get back when you sell to a certain extent although I do agree that resto will probably have the greater return unless you find the 'right' buyer…

I have always modified my dubs and tbh have sold them on for more than I picked them up for in the first place - guess that?s down to good luck?

Having said this I won't do anything to a car that isn't reversible as there may be a point where you want to get it back to standard to aid a sale - all maybe except the ride height which vw always seem to get a bit too high for their cars to sit 'right'

My Rivage has undergone a few cosmetic mods - you could call it the euro look I guess but tbh I make the changes for me and hate the idea of a style being pigeon holed so easily…

Anyway, here's a pic of mine as it sits currently (have posted it before but I feel it helps show/make my point ;) )


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And here is how a standard one would look!  :D


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I don't need to post a picture of mine now - it looks just like that original one. Why mess with perfection?

<img src="" border="0" alt="Two lovely Golfs">


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Well, Euro look is OK, but I like to be a little bit different, but hopefully not in a "Look what that idiot did to his car" kind of way!

I would never do anything to my car that could not be easily reversed as that to me is a major factor in its saleability, should I decide to part with it.

"Tastefull" and "Period" I think! some disagree with chrome bumpers on a large rear light model - Doesn't bother me. They look way better that the crap faded plastic it should have. Plus, it was not originally a Gti model, so I don't feel too bad  :mrgreen:


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:lol:  I prefer cars to look "Original" too, i am all for "sensible" suspension mods and wheel "upgrades" and minimal trim etc which seems to define "the euro look" as long as its quality items used that improve the car and can be reversed in a matter of minutes, some things are better left "unchanged" why delete side repeaters and swage lines? cant see the point personally :dontknow:  i like my V duds the way they look externally and internally, but i guess if the car is an out and out show or moddified car then that works too i suppose and i admire the cars that have the time and effort spent to make them what they are, as already said i too deplore all those pointless tacky adornments like "tribal stickers" "toyo" and other name brand pelt that people stick on their windows and doors in an attempt to get other people to believe their car has actually got any of those tuning items on them!!
as the old saying goes "you cant polish a turd" and thats what a lot of people seem to try and do!

tastefull and original is best…or you can do this?

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Absolutely!  :sick:


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sorry if i was generalising the style of peoples cars, in all fairness, i never set out to create a stereo tipical style, just mod things the way i like, but when moddin cars we always get insparation from other cars, styles etc… so cars do generally fall into piegon holes.

think most of the mk1 golfs look euro/retro due to them being a car of its age, trying to make something look modern just wouldnt work.

clipper kitted and late spec (or late spec styled) mk1s/cabbys look just how they should, and by know means should these be messed with to much,

agreed there is nothing better than seeing a original mk1 in showroom or a good example one. they were the best when they came out and are still in the top 5 best cars of all time, number 1 in most cases.

but at the same time the 'euro' look is cool, speed bumps are ghay though!



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Not at all dude, the VW scene is strong and loads of styles and inovative ideas always turn up each year, from wild and whacky conversions to stunning restored classics
thats what makes it what it is, and the cars lend themselves well to loads of styles
Individual preferences are always there but the "trend" at the time is always aparent, and some rims and mods are true classics that will always be around, wether that be wheels paint colours or whatever, as long as its a Dub and it hasnt had the "eastern european idea of style treatment" then it dont matter really 8)
heres my 2 Dubs…one modified (slightly :wink: ) one standard..(apart from a BBS steering wheel :wink: ) they both look good imo :lol:

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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agreed both look fantastic, the mk3 is a good looker, was toying with the idea of a mk3, but cant really afford one as a second car to be, as the mk1 is something for me to toy around with till jan 08, then im getting a newer car, VAG of course.  then the mk1 will start its life as a weekend/toy that i will spend loads of time, money and tears on.

i feel buying a mk1 (of any sort) your buying a piece of history. im looking forward to buying a mk1 than my new car next year :lol:


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nuff said, can remember that advert, best thing is, bet there are chavs all over think all those look ''bad init man!'' as in ''those cars do look great dont they mate'' :lol:


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I actually quite like 'Euro' cars.

I think there's a lot to be said for cleaning up the lines on a car but I also do think that there is a limit of what is tasteful.
For example I might be doing a little work on my GX in the next few months when I take it off the road, includind deleting the side trims and boot hatch trim and some of the other external trims.
I've also lowered my car and lowered VW's look sweet. Period.

I just don't understand why everyone has browbeaten another member because his car isn't exactly as it came from the factory.

I personally hate all kinds of BBS wheels with a passion but as yet to date I haven't gone off on a tirade about how truly awful they are.
I also don't like all those stupid 'cruisers' out there who spend all their time 'modding' ten year old 1.2 corsas. Having said that there's a bloke over the road who did his small block '95 corsa as a Euro looker and it honestly looked good because it was subtle.

Bone stock has it's place as does completely radical mods, although I have to hand it to the aircooled bloke I was talking to at a show who said "stock's okay…….as long as you're over 50"


Yradave says relax.



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I was only cantankerising… I didn't mean any harm… It has always made me sad to see nice cars butcherred and made to look rediculous and "Hey look at me!"… Even though there are some amazing show cars, if you saw them on the road you would probably think "Oh dear! The fast and the furious!" Maybe its just an age thing. When I was 20, I had a big stereo and after market alloys…  :oops:


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Although my mk1 is very unpractically low, with a bone shaking ride and rubber band stretched tyres that could pop off at the next corner over 8" wide wheels (believe it or not, i like it this way.) I have a lot of respect for a mint condition standard mk1. Its really nice to go to shows and see completely original mk1 GTI's (for example) in with the euro show cars. If I had a GTI campaign, or even a straight GTI, I would probably keep it completely standard but restore it to like new condition. Some things are better off left in standard condition. Its all down to owners preference at the end of the day. Its their car and should be exactly how they want it to be.

Just my 2p.

mk1 1.1 C


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yeah i agree with overmind! I was following a green GL the other day, dumped in the weeds with wide ats classics, which looked awesome, but shortly afterwards i got out of my gti (standard bar a boge -40mm suspension kit) and thought thats even better!

i wanna buy a snotty mk1 gti and tastefully tinker with it, but my campaign is perfect as it is!


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Please can I leave mine as she is?  :oops:
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