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Stansted Show NOW WITH PICS


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Stansted Show NOW WITH PICS

just wear a high visibility vest and look dim. they'll think you are one of them. in for free


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dont think i could ever get a high vis jacket for my little one and my wife would never wear one



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hubby has fixed littlerolf and brought him home for me as a suprise tonight so will now be coming in littlerolf yippee am so excited have even washed him (the golf not my hubby) yippee going to cruise all the way down with the roof down you cant understand how exctied I am! yippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee
See you all tomorrow.  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Yorkshire Region Host

Mk1 Cabriolet 1500 (under resto)



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Well it came and went in a blaze of sunshine!!

 8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)

Somewhere between 300 and 400 cars (not worked that one out yet!), and it'll be a tidy sum raised for my school  :D

An excellent day with an excellent variety of dubs including two lightstrike military vehicles that have VAG flat 4 engines with dub running gear that are currently in service and have recently returned from IRAQ!


Thank you so much to everyone from the club who came and made it even more special for me!

Thank you to Glen for organising everyone to be there.

Thank you Andy, Shaun and everyone for cleaning and polishing my car!
 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

I didn't get time to take any decent pics, but I  expect Glen or someone will have some to put up.

I don't know if everyone on the stand knew this, but when we were going round judging and got to the best club stand category, it was mentioned that it was between us and splitterz, so I went away and let someone else do it as it wouldn't have been fair ( me being biased and all!)

I know that splitterz won, but we were runners up out of 6 clubs who all had a good turn out and a good vibe going on their stand!

Well done us!!!

 :D  :D  8)  8)

And thank you again!

Thanks again everyone, for being such a great club to be in!  8)


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Oh yeah,

And we're soooooooo looking forward to the next show this year…………………one where we can sit back and watch it all happen!!!!

 :lol:  :lol:


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Just sorry I couldnt be there, sound like a cracking day :banghead:

mk1 1.1 C


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You'll be there next year —- when we win!!

 8)   8)

And I'm sure you'll be joining us at Battlesbridge in May  :D


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just uploading some pics now be up in about an hour at this rate



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Excellent, can't wait to see them!  :D


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tanking forever to upload here's 20 for now got more  

sorry about quality taken on phone



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bloody things should have disappeared with hitler.


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thats wat 90% off the vehicles were

i love em!!

i think i'd prefere that black twin cab pick up to me golf any day



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Thanks so much for posting the pics ROV!

Superb!!   :D  :D  :D


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Looks like a cracking day out!  I defo missed out but I had to work.  Just shown the missus the photos and she wants me to sell my cabbie to get her the campervan called 'Pootle'.  :roll:

Mk1 GTi White Cab '86

Mk4 TDi


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dannyboyblue said

Looks like a cracking day out!  I defo missed out but I had to work.  Just shown the missus the photos and she wants me to sell my cabbie to get her the campervan called 'Pootle'.  :roll:



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Where did that post from the Herts newbie go????? :dontknow:

whoever you are, I'm glad you had a good time. Which one were you??? I spoke to so many people yesterday it's a bit of a blur :mrgreen:


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More Pics :D

Hi all,

First time I've been to a big show like this and met LOADS of really nice people and had lots of chats with them! Hopefully made a few friends along the way and will be great to see them soon at a next meet.

Loads of pictures here - hope you all dont mind the SPAM!

and more :

thats mine on the left, Daves minter in the middle, and Technohippys on the right :D

and the last lot :

'83 mk1 Golf GTI Lhasa Green
1.8T 20v conversion –>


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debs said

Where did that post from the Herts newbie go????? :dontknow:

whoever you are, I'm glad you had a good time. Which one were you??? I spoke to so many people yesterday it's a bit of a blur :mrgreen:

Think that must of been me, I deleted the post when I realised I didnt add the pictures to the post lol!

'83 mk1 Golf GTI Lhasa Green
1.8T 20v conversion –>
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