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Do you flash?


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Do you flash?

when you see another mk1? Where do you draw the line? I'll always flash a mk1, i'll sometimes flash a mkII, if its really nice :roll: and ill have my hand ready to go if i see a bug or a camper, but they seem a bit cliquey, hence why i wont do it first.
But what really annoys me, is when you see a mk1 coming the other way, flash and wave like a lemon, only to find its some old bloke and a dog in a Polo wondering what they've done wrong! 8O  :roll:  :lol:

btw, i love it when someone flashes me, but i have to check my full beam if its not a mk1! :D


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i flash all old vdubs i see even if i'm in astra or work van lol



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I always wave to other mk1's, not that I see many  :roll:

Most mk2 owners I see are little chavs so they probably don't even know what a mk1 is!

VW's of the aircooled variety are normally quite friendly to me, maybe I've just been lucky so far!  :dontknow:

1980 Black GTI - now sold
2002 Black GT TDI 130


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Me and my brother tend to get more waves in his T25, think that's because not many people understand the true clasic nature of the mark one (yet) 8)

'Oh it's just a little hatchback thing' :roll:

Mind you not many bay and spilt owners wave, probably cos splitty owners are too busy looking for loose change in the seats after spending ?20grand on a resto and bay owners are still too depressed that they couldn't afford they splitty they've always dreamed of. :twisted:

Yradave says relax.



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I always flash and wave like a demented idiot….!  I like it when we acknowledge each other its our club…… :oops:  I am now going to bury my head in something so nobody can see me blushing,,,,, :roll:

I have flashed before but it doesnt go down to well with the local wooden tops…. :oops:


Mk 1, 1983 1300 Blue LONG LIVE TAFY

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I always wave/flash to Mk1s and I've been flashed by Mk2s and the odd VR6. I must admit it feels really good.
Never by anything air-cooled or, funnily enough by a Mk1 cabrio.
You can sit alongside a beetle, splitty or a bay in a queue on the  M5 (where most of them seem to be) and you won't get a flicker


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David said

You can sit alongside a beetle, splitty or a bay in a queue on the  M5 (where most of them seem to be) and you won't get a flicker

Probably because they're wondering when their engines will start to overheat as they're not going fast enough.

Yradave says relax.



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I thought this topic was about something else but having read through it realised it wasnt  :roll:  but its been that long since Ive driven mine I only get to wave at Toyota Corrolla owners who then look at me gone out


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i used to flash at old minis when i had one and would give the wanker sign to anyone in a new mini taht would attempt the wave. tossers!

in my old g40 and my 2 mk1s ill wave at nearly every vw owner out there, most are either old people who look scared, business people who give you a dirty look, and chavs who just want to race or arent impressed because there isnt 12 million inch hoops on the car and an exhaust that could suck up a school.

even on the way to dubfreeze rolling in my mates pug waving at all the transporters and buses they were just giving up dirty looks and only 1 waved back :(

its not as class as the old mini styles, people just dont seem that arsed


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yradave said

David said

You can sit alongside a beetle, splitty or a bay in a queue on the  M5 (where most of them seem to be) and you won't get a flicker

Probably because they're wondering when their engines will start to overheat as they're not going fast enough.

Aircooled engines when set up properly will run slightly cooler at idle than when travelling :D . When they aren't set up properly they overheat and end up like this!!!! ouch

 I have a 73 camper and a mk1 golf,  and flash mk1/2 golfs,  beetles and campers no matter which one i'm in.


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i tend to wave and grin like a loonie, i usually don't notice another Mk1 tills it's right on me and too late to flash back  :oops:

BEWARE KY05 UCO, blind and deaf white haired driver of red transit, avoid at all costs, he thinks running cars on to the verge is ok. i'm fine, car's fine, mood and make up not so good.


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I will flash when I have my mk1 back on the road.
 I don't flash when drivng 'Colin' my Aygo, but I do have my 'mk1 owners club' stickers in.   :D  :D

Do we need a club Flash, 2 quick flashes?
                                     1 long flash?

                                     20 flashes while beeping horn and waving :wink:

"Video et taceo"


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Ha Ha

anybody know " alright mate" in morse code……!


Mk 1, 1983 1300 Blue LONG LIVE TAFY

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My lights are so dim that in daylight you couldn't see them being flashed!

I'd get more response if I held up my lighter and flicked that!


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I spend more time in my Cupra R than the MK1 nowadays, so I will start flashing MK1 owners in this car. So , if you see a Black car flashing its lights going fast in the oppoiste directions that'll be me running late for a meeting. :lol:  :wink:

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?


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yradave said

splitty owners are too busy looking for loose change in the seats after spending ?20grand on a resto and bay owners are still too depressed that they couldn't afford they splitty they've always dreamed of. :twisted:

lmao but true!

its a caddy - half a mk1 at least 


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I went on hols to Lake District in this camper and people went mad for it, pedestrians waved, cars flashed, people stared and smiled…what a laugh  :lol: A great drive, even made it up to the highest pub in England without skipping a beat. You sadly don't get that much attention in a mk1 Golf, I think it blends in too well with modern traffic and isn't 'old enough' yet!  :| .

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