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Dodgy Fuel


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Dodgy Fuel

right my lpg runs crap when cold or bolow 2000 revs and occasinally the ecu  light pops on for a couple off seconds always presumed 'thats how its sposed to be' but after hearing about lamba sensors causing simular probs with petrol cars u think this could be faulty and making the car run rough in gas



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dojodubber said

funny how the threads about fuel and a cobra comes along, i here there quite economical :lol:

4-8mpg when you give it some.

my brother said

 like turning a petrol can upside down  :?  


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tesco is the only place in my area that does high octane thats really high, they are 99ron in my area whilst everywhere else is 97, you can actually feel the extra power especially in third

i live to dub....


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...what? third pump?


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wooders said

…what? third pump?

ok he means 3rd gear :roll:


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you can actually feel the extra power especially in third

The octane doesnt give u more power , just stop it from pinking/knocking.


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If it was the petrol thats caused my problem and its got too much silicone in its as there saying on the news will this have any lasting effect on my engine its a 83 GL 1.5 carb.
The car is driving much better after I filled up at BP on monday but is still a bit rough im going to leeds after work tonight so hoping the long drive will flush the rest of the rubbish petrol out of my sytem.

Yorkshire Region Host

Mk1 Cabriolet 1500 (under resto)



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Dodgy Petrol: Tests Show Fuel Not to blame
Sky News

Remember 'Formula Shell' in the 80's ? And the claims for engine damage .


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That means that I can't blame Tesco for the sluggishness of my car, the rotting roof, dodgy suspension and steering rack on its last legs.

BBC say they have recieved a couple of thousand emails regarding affected cars and garages say they have got parts on back orders for 10 days.  I don't know if its people jumping to conclusions after visiting one of the petrol stationr and garages stitching them up or that there is actually a problem with a batch of fuel.

Mk1 GTi White Cab '86

Mk4 TDi


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Sky news seem a bit out with their reporting Chudd. The tests have shown traces of silicon in the petrol. The latest is that Tescos and Morrisons are withdrawing unleaded from sale in effected areas - Tesco from 150 branches  8O . Clearly not that confident now :dontknow:

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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all petrol has silicon in it

tesco and morrison fuel apparently has to higher levels off it and apparently are stopping sale off this particular petrol and switching



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Don't know why pepps are complaining… " I had to have a new Lambda sensor fitted…"

Feel lucky!!

I have 4 Lambdas on my car!!!

But we are safe up north ;)

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