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I might end up in jail....update


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I might end up in jail....update

All I have to say is that it was one of your own (police officers) that said there are 'no go areas' and Sir Trevor has retired from reading the news so it certainly wasn't him!

I thank you for sharing your opinion and wish you luck with it.



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:evil: its not what you know but who! The few problems i have encountered with lowlife have been delt with promptly. Needless to say, the lowlife community know not to mess with me or my family-friends. No police involved, saving time to deal with real crims. I DO NOT CONDONE THIS ACTION NOR DO I TAKE PART. I just tell "acsociates"

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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Now now fellas… Never mind rose coloured spectacles, if you keep on giving each other one in the eye, you will both end up in Stevie Wonder sun glasses!  8)

Please can we have some niceness again?  :)


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Please can we have some niceness again?  :)

Holy Cow….! I havnt read anything that long in ages…Need a cup of tea…and then might do a bit more polishing…think i will down to bare metal soon… :lol:


Mk 1, 1983 1300 Blue LONG LIVE TAFY

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:lol:  quite simply, criminals are to blame for crime, no one else!

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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topoftherange, don't suppose you would know about the off-duty special constable ("special" being the word) that killed my best mate would you?

Happened just outside Deal on November 12 in a collision and I'm sure you would have heard something through the grapevine?

I'm sure you won't tell me anything but worth a try…..

R.I.P Dave Wilson
13/02/1982 - 12/11/2006.
To say I've lost my best friend……


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i dont sorry mate never heard anything about it, i work further up the county than that, any road death is tragic regardless of how it happens.

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Tian said

All I have to say is that it was one of your own (police officers) I thank you for sharing your opinion and wish you luck with it.


 :scratch: it is exactly that "my opinion" from my point of view and experiences, just because its more knowledgeable from "inside" and different to yours dont make it wrong does it? and i am glad to see you put me in a box with "one of your own" its a proffesion mate not an identity, i am still a human with my own thoughts on different subjects! you dont turn into a robot just because of the job you do,  its those sort of opinions and views that cause the problems in the first place :dontknow: easy targets the police.

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Without wanting to sound obvious, but why didn't you install the CCTV camera higher up, out of reach?



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Topoftherange said

Tian said

All I have to say is that it was one of your own (police officers) I thank you for sharing your opinion and wish you luck with it.


 :scratch: it is exactly that "my opinion" from my point of view and experiences, just because its more knowledgeable from "inside" and different to yours dont make it wrong does it? and i am glad to see you put me in a box with "one of your own" its a proffesion mate not an identity, i am still a human with my own thoughts on different subjects! you dont turn into a robot just because of the job you do,  its those sort of opinions and views that cause the problems in the first place :dontknow: easy targets the police.

I've never aimed anything at anyone except words and we can all do that. I used the expression 'one of your own' with no malise, your attitude to this betrays innocent expression you. Frankly anyone who's happend across any of my posts will tell you that I'm level headed and not one for blasting for blasting sake. If you look back, you'll see I have already drawn a line under what amounts to nothing more than a difference of opinion on a web forum.

We all have a right to voice our thoughts and there is no such thing as an easy target, that's just a cop out (couldn't think of another expression to sum up what I thought, please note I used a small 'c' and there was no pun intended, please don't jump down my throat again)! I was simply airing mine from personal experience, if it conflicts with yours that's just life. Lord only knows the world would be a dull place if we all looked the same and held the same opinions. Hopefully that's something we can agree on.

Anyway Walt you're right, I'm off to sread the joy and return this unintentionally hijacked thread to the rightful topic.



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Dougelove said

:evil: its not what you know but who! The few problems i have encountered with lowlife have been delt with promptly. Needless to say, the lowlife community know not to mess with me or my family-friends. No police involved, saving time to deal with real crims. I DO NOT CONDONE THIS ACTION NOR DO I TAKE PART. I just tell "acsociates"

If you're in Hereford then you're associates must be Regiment? either that or bag heads from newton farm!!
I had some mates who went out one night and ran into some regiment guys in Hereford (I lived in Bromyard). Got in a lot of trouble without even realising what they were doing. needless to say they are a bit more careful and polite to people now. If there were more guys like that around then this sort of stuff would be less common. Nothing like a good beating from someone who doesn't leave a mark on you and who you couldn't describe even if you were brave enough too.

MK1 GTI 1983 (love of my life)
Mazda MX3 1.8 V6 ( Daily Drive)


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paul_c said

Without wanting to sound obvious, but why didn't you install the CCTV camera higher up, out of reach?'s not an outdoor camera, and the upstairs windows have large tiled ledges on the outside so the camera would not see the whole of the front including any car parked in front of the garage. The other factor is that the current position looks slightly UPWARDS (from a low window sill) so stands more chance :lol:  :lol:  of getting a face shot - particularly when yobs wear hoods and keep their heads low (proved when one kid threw a half filled beer bottle at our wall one night - his dad sorted him !!). Obviously it became common knowledge that a camera was there….I have to concede the fact that someone actually had a brain cell, and worked out that by going through neighbours gate and crawling low along the front of the house they could put something against the window in front of the camera…..
…..but a BIG wad of chewing gum out of their gob, stretched to 3" round….the lens is 2" behind the glass !!!
..but now THAT approach is covered.

Owning a Mk1 cabby is a vertical learning curve…

1989 Mk1 Clipper 1.8 automatic - Sadly now up for sale - medical issues dictate)

1999 (Nov) Passat S Saloon 1.9 TDI (AFN) - TUG 1 (Remap by CCC ( - **** …..change pants !!) with cruise control

2000 (Mar) Passat Sport Estate 1.9 TDI (ATJ) 5 speed automatic with Tiptronic - TUG 2 (Remap and cruise control by CCC)


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They need knocking into orbit… Sorry, I'm really going to stop now before my bubble bursts, can't keep stretching these gum jokes out! It's obscuring this thread! :D

I need to get out more!  :(


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Topoftherange said

Tian said

Am I reading this right?

The most shocking thing though is that the Police couldn't give a damn. No wonder crime is on the increase.

Tian :evil:

???? Whats that statement based on? the police are an ever present service amongst us, we are all responsible for our own property, the police ensure that law and order is maintained and enforced when necessary, the retard that smashed the window is RESPONSIBLE not a copper, its great if the police catch someone in the act but thats not always easy is it? all these people are scummers and cowards, police cant be every where all the time and as the chief constable of Kent is more interested in employing those stupid waste of space PCSO`s to impress old grannies and councils to "patrol" our streets with absolutely no powers to deal with offences or offenders!!!, you may be right? it may become more of an issue in years to come?? as they try to "cheapen" the police by employing people who cant get in the police for whatever reasons but still get paid virtually the same money as a fully trained police officer!!! its not a cheap alternative and it will never be the answer as "real criminals" fear the police, I cant see them fearing a 45 year old dinlow in a silly hat can you? please complain to the powers that be about that, 3  thousand Kent coppers will support you! (soap box away :wink: )
anyway the fact forensic evidence has been secured in this case is usually enough to arrest someone and ask them questions if its identifiable DNA?, more people need to support the police and challenge and repulse the scum elements in our society, fact is most people dont give 2 f`s about other people they dont know anymore thats why the countrys like it is maybe?

DEEP BREATH IN !!!!!……….Right as a twenty two year old useless powerless PCSO i have to completely disagree with what you've said. in my short six months service i have single handedly caught 3 burgulars (dwelling) have 2 people locked up for assault and 8 people in for section 5 so i dont know what sort of people Kent employ but theyre clearly not a welcomed as they are in gwent. i know for a fact YES even i would love to see more officers on shift but the government isnt going to do it. were here to stay so the sooner u get used to it the better. i know my shift would miss me and the other five pcso's in my station. however….i do agree in the sense that there are other pcso's that ARE useless the same as there are officers but untill i do get in the regulars (waiting for my centrex date) this job will more than do for the money/ work load ratio……sorry didnt want to sound like a dic but fed up of hearing pcso's getting kncoked left right and centre……thanks.

P.S. Good luck!


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I'll be honest I learnt more about PCSO's standing (12 inches from a tiled wall  :oops: )in a service station on the M6 on the way back from a meeting on Preston than I ever knew before!

GTi_monkey, do you do realise that by helping to serve your community at the young age of twenty-two you fly in the face of commonly held opinions and as such are an enemy of the state and moreover the status quo.

Good luck to you and well done!

Tian :notworthy:


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whatever, traffic wardens, highways agency, pcso`s its all a scheme to "cheapen" the way our country is "looked after" single handedly catching burglars eh? without any officer safety training or any specialist kit? using common law powers of arrest? obviously knowing the full definition of a burglary must of helped? or prehaps the new SOCAP procedures have helped? bet the custody sergeant was impressed when you booked them in? and your full statement on an mg11 and attending court to give evidence after you interviewed and dealt with the offenders, took statements from the injured party, then rushed out on another emergency call whilst trying to get something to eat for the first time in 6 hours in the middle of a handover, gee that is commendable, like i said its my opinion so dont tell me about catching criminals to prove a pcso`s worth you shouldnt be involved in any form of arrest, the role wasnt intended for that, they are fine for "community" reassurance but dont try and convince anybody otherwise, you are all "non combatants" so why the hell do you get body armour? and carry 24 cell maglites and strut around like a armed response officers? its a hard enough job already without an untrained person getting involved so a real copper has to then sort the whole mess out afterwards! a pcso is "eyes and ears" on the ground not a thief taker

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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Calm down dear, calm down! :lol:

Perhaps someone, anyone can explain what's so wrong with just being thankful there's another uniformed body out there?

Tian :roll:


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if thats what people see it as????????????? ask most people it isnt what they want to see, especially as there is NO direct specification on there role or powers, the fact is any person in the street has common law powers to detain any person seen or believed to be involved in a crime or about to commit or are in the act of a crime, thats every man woman and child, so why the need for all the expense of putting someone in a blue banded hat in a "pretend" police uniform that is merely a token presence without any legislation training, any law training, any unarmed defense training, no officer safety equiptment who cannot "protect" anyone, they are not even allowed to direct traffic at an accident scene!!! hell most cant even pass the initial fitness test which is a level 5 bleep test that a 1 legged man with a single lung could pass! if you ask one whats section 170 of the RTA 1988? blank look… ask whats section 17 pace? blank look….section 23 stop search?….blank look, section 18 search?….section 3?….. and so on…. it is a pointless excersise, but the powers that be still see fit to let them drive around in a marked police car giving it "the biggun" with the affore mentioned 24 cell maglight and the "I look like a copper from a certain angle" attitude, i hate to think the day someone encounters a serious incident and sees a "police" car only to find inside it 2 pcso`s who cant /wont have a clue how to deal with an accident, or be able to help anybody present other than to call for help from a real police officer or other emergency service, how is that a decent use of resources :dontknow: but see it how you will, i am a realist and i speak the truth based on fact, not what i read or what someone else told me! i have no problem with anybody not agreeing with everything i have said, but in 20 years time it will all become apparant when your a prisoner in your own home as the "police service" has been decimated by the private sector and these "wanna bees" arte all you have to rely on to protect you

92 Sportline in Flash Red, Standard **SOLD**

91 G60 Corrado in Aqua Blue pearl

91 Rallye Golf, Tornado Red, AMD tuned to 220bhp 227 flb torque 9j x16 Borbet B alloys

1985 B Alpine white mk2 Golf Gti


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How do you get through a day? You're such a fatalist it beggars belief that you ever choose a profession where you have to come in to contact with anyone at all!

I implore you to take a good long hard look at your yourself and the damming way in which you see the world. Things aren't that bad! I know you think I wear rose tinted specs,   :roll: do you want to borrow them, you're more than welcome.

Tian :tlc:


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topoftherange, look i didnt reply to your comments to get into an argument. I completely agree with some aspects of your statement. some if not most pcso's are a waste of space. i tracked down the bugulars because i wanted to and i would have done it wheter or not i had some pretend police uniform on. your right i do carry a 3 cell mag light for thde purpose you have said, because i have no OST, so… some one wants to mess with me and the nearest unit is five minutes away i will use it as long as its proportional! i do believe we should have appointments and more powers but untill i either get in the regular police force or my chief grows a set of ball and instates some powers getting paid 20k a year will do me fine. however i can and will walk the minimum fitness requirement for the induction process, for the psu, and i just got back from the police hq gym having walked all over a best mate who is armed respose. So like i said before, i dont know what sort of people kent employ to do the role but they obviously want to re-think it. Im 22 and at the moment untill something better comes along as we've already covered this will do me and im proud of what i do. I dont walk round thinking im robocop but what i do, do is, help and assist my colleagues who are blues and two's from every shout imaginable, when i do see or catch someone doing something they shouldnt, i will write my statement and do as much of the file as i can. NO the custody sergeant didnt laugh at me, far from it. He applauded me and the other pcso next to me who had just tracked down a no-bailer! i know we have no further training and we shouldnt really be doing these things but if we didnt who would ? you ? no you would just complain that theres more work to? and if it did turn sour and the person i had on stop using my any person powers did get nasty and i thought i couldnt handle it, then he would just be turned loose. I'd rather lose my job than my life.

All im saying is that i do more than my fair share to help an already stretched shift weather that jumping in a car ( following threats everybody gotta be double crewed ),  issuing ticked or manning the front desk i will do it. Thank you.

As far as im concerned the dispute is over on this thread as we've murdered it…sorry.

Now lets all spend more time on getting our dubs ready for the show season and less time bitching at each other.  ok ??? :y:

P.S. tian thanks and like i said i am proud of what i do because i work hard at it. whether its this or my previous job. aslong as your happy doin it it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks.
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