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This will get you noticed!


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crap :dontknow:


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8O  do not like it!
ruined in my opinion


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what a mess, this is the danger with people designing their own look. Most people can (at best) visualise one change, when they do it and like the result they are encouraged to make more, bigger changes. It gets out of control. They never step back and see the whole picture.

You can't buy taste, and having photoshop on your laptop doesn't make you a designer.

What an indignity that poor mk1 has had to suffer.



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In the spec box the colour's called rot….NOT a good start! :lol:


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By the way, I didn't say I liked it, only that it would get you noticed!  :wink:


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Errm.. hmm.  Why?


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:twisted:  what an 'orrible looking golf  :dontknow:


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i dont like it but the main points are the front grill and lights and the rear spoiler and between the lights

i like the arches wheels and colour

not 100% on the bumpers but a car always looks different in a pic to real life

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