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Reserve light woes..(perm on)


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Reserve light woes..(perm on)

Neighbour pointed out to me yesterday that my pass side reverse light is permanently on! :|

Checked them and the driver side bulb had gone, swapped and fiddled with bulbs and found the following:

Pass side reverse light is perm on whenever lights are on.

Drivers side is perm on, whenever ignition is on!!!

I've removed the bulbs for the mo so I haven't got any silly rear lights in this bad weather, but need to get it sorted pronto obviously

It is of course likely (no make that definite) that moisture has got into the car in this weather..but any ideas on what specifically could be causing it?  One of the rear number plate bulbs keeps going as well, But I think thats a result of me welding on the rear panel without disconnecting them.


Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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hi m8. :)

strange one!

if the ignition live is putting on one of them it must be a problem with the wiring near the front/fuse box end of the car… :banghead:

if the lights are putting one on then it could stem from the bulb unit right back to the fuse box. :banghead:

remember the drivers side rear light is basically fed from the passenger side.

so i think there may be 2 problems,1 of the bulb panels and maybe dodgy fuse box or wiring loom from the passenger side light upto the front.

id start by taking off the bulb panels and cleaning them up,see what happens and work back towards the front.

good luck,neil. :) - Gone but not forgotten |


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could it not be a fualty switch in the gearbox showing as constantly wrong?
if not def worth cleanign with fine emery paper the contacts and redoign the earths

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Thanks guys, as always all replies much appreciated.  

Looks like all connections at rear need checking.  Might as well check connections on the switch as well, if I can work out where the cheeky monkey is.

TBH i'm avoiding going outside….its too damn cold, my gradual panel fixing/welding kinda stopped when the 'really' cold spell kicked in, so have tons of salt/crap going into rear on one of sills [xx(].  Have next week off so hopefully wack it into the garage where its 'slightly' warmer….


Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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Good luck with the wiring…

Wish I could leave my resto for a couple of weeks… only where it is now the house has been sold so I'll be working ALL weekend (in the Freezing cold) to get it moved! :(


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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switch is on the gearbox either twin pole type or mfa sender

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ahh yeah,could be the switch,if its the mfa type it wouldnt suprise me that its causing problems…

must still be another problem though as the lights affect it too.

neil. :D - Gone but not forgotten |


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more of a earth problem then i reckon

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Hi Manic

Did you ever get this sorted? I nearly had a big merc reverse into me as I was reversing out of a space the other day. He then shouted at me that I had no reverse lights. I checked the bulbs and found out I didn't actually have any bulbs! When I installed some the reverse lights then stayed permanently on! :dontknow:

Any advice would be appreciated.


1983 Lhasa Green GTI


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Just pmed you mate,

I remember cleaning up all teh connections, and checking the earths.  But tbh I really can't remember what it was that sorted it, think it was my prev mk1


Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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No worries mate. I'll check all the earths and give the connections a clean first. Cheers 8)

1983 Lhasa Green GTI
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