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Checking oil level...


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Checking oil level...

I really didnt want to ask this… Im a compentant person round a car and know a fair bit but am new to VWs hense the embarressment in asking this!

Where is the dipstick?  :oops:

My oil pressure light has come on and I dont know why so obviously I would like to check my oil level to see where it's sitting at the moment!


Please dont hate me for asking that lol



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Well I assume you are talking about a Mk1.

The dipstick is right in front of you as you open the bonnet. It comes out of the front of the block, roughly in the middle! I thionk it is the same on all models…


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yea sorry, MK1 1.8 8v

Ill look in the middle, it must just be me doing a man look, "if its not obvious its not there" lol


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In this pic it's the red dipstick looking thing near the bottom on the picture in the middle!  :wink:  

On early cars (hatchbacks) the dipstick isn't so obvious as its just a wirey looking thing, and its shorter so sits lower in the engine bay.


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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Sooooooooooo Funny! Are you Blonde?

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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haha in my defence…. well no im not blonde haha but i do have as discribed above, the early one with no end, just a little bit of metal! Found it now!

Another issue now haha the level seems fine, but the pressure light keeps coming on but then sometimes will go off again?

Doesnt look like there is too much oil in there but it is pissing down at the moment. Would this have that effect? I heard it could be the oil pressure switch? or shagged oil pump? or maybe the fact the light is just being a sh*t and coming on…?

Cheers for your help and i apologise hugely for such a rookie question, believe me it hurt my ego so much to type it and press submit haha

Ross  :oops:


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ive asked worse :oops:

well nearly….

rebuild in progress....
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