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Help Needed :banghead:


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Help Needed :banghead:

I have just spent most of today fitting a new centre and downpipe to my golf cab, I tryed and tryed but cant get the C clamps back on were the down pipe meets the manifold.. :cry: without a special tool is there an easyier way to get them back on..

pic of tool


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i have got the sykes pickavant type,they are a flat type what are just flat pieces of steel which have tapered edges,they just knock in to the clamp which spreads it and they are well easy to use compared to that thing in the previous pic  :?

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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Thanks,, from your post i have justed had an idea maybe i can use a  u-shaped exhaust clamp as a spring spreader and knock it out after :D .


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I made some wedge shaped bits of metal up to do mine out of some thick steel I had lying around! I have since bought the special tool but have yet to use it! They are cheap from

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