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I'm not looking to fall out with anyone, but don't like being called names by someone who doesn't know me……….

And for the record, 'quality counts' = there weren't many cars at the last meet, but there were some especially good ones (think I mentioned Ben's S1 Gti !)  Not sure how anyone could be so offended as to make personal comments from that ?????????

This whole NW vs SW thing is getting too competitive methinks. I don't give a damn if there's 2,000 at the next SW meet personally. I thought it was to spur local owners into joining in ?  If it's a competition, then sorry - won't be at the nect one


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Its 'friendly banter' and all good humoured. The problem is, when messages are posted on the internet on a forum, they lose the personal touch so there is a danger of it all being misinterpreted. I have only met Daisy briefly, I haven't taken any offence to things he's said although I can see how it could be taken badly.

I have no gripes with the SW - I wish their meets every success. I would hope the feeling is reciprocated and SW/Daisy reflect positively on NW Meets.



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:D Its called friendly 'Banter'

Guys to have some friendly banter between areas is a good idea , it creates friendly competition and adds interest to the site forum , it also promotes interest in the Golf Mk1 and provides a valuable attraction or incentive to join in .

So lets not fall out over simple area 'Banter' eh .

Thanks .

Look at it from my area [North East] we have not had a local meet yet so think how we feel .



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Stop all this falling out RIGHT NOW!!!!  :banghead:

Dano says so!!!!

Get a grip everyone and just read back through the posts. Its FUN. FULL STOP. No offence is supposed to be inferred or taken so have a laugh and everyone lighten up.

Nuff said…by me!



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Mate chill out 8O

Dam this is just fun, so dont get that way with me!

As others have said it is all to spur the regions on and help with great meets, myself and others have no intension in upsetting folk at all,

if you feel that way then you should read old posts before posting what you did, as i never meant to upset you.

As paul said posts can be taken the wrong way, myself took it the wrong way with Dano and after he sorted me out :(  we get on great and have spent the whole weekend together at a show, (that sounds bad i know) so please try to take my banter and everyone else banter very light hearted as upsetting anyone on here is not what i want.



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What about a north meets south meet in the summer. We could get all tooled up and have a right riot?


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Tooled up SimonF?…..Is that a southern expression for excited?  8O


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Tooled up down here means with iron bars and baseball bats. Ever seen the film Scum?


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Yeah old buddly Walt any news on this as Paul was trying to sort a date?


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Daisy said


Yeah old buddly Walt any news on this as Paul was trying to sort a date?


Its still on. May 6th, in Wales (see thread for map and details). Are other people, not just NW/SW, interested in coming along too?



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Just wrote a massive reply and deleted it as would be boring for everyone. Just to say I have read old posts thanks, and best to know someone a little before directing a personal insult at them as you don't know how they'll react. OK ?


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I'm up for may 6th weather permitting!  :)  Wahoooooooo!


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Ok whatever!

I said it aint an insult at you, just alittle fun.

if you cant see that then i dont really care now. said sorry can do no more, your the one saying i should say things to a persons face so i will do if i see you!

As to everyone else who knows that i am just having alittle fun,

hope you and Fire man Sam can make it to the Joint meet that Paul has arranged, should be great :D


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Hey you guys I was just wondering if any of you could lend me about ?30…… I can pop down the market and by these 2 a couple of handbags. :lol:

Let battle commence….. :starwars:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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Well, you have just said sorry in your last post so lets say no more, eh ?  You say everyone else knows you're having a little fun, so by the same token everyone else knows I was defending myself (I don't actually know everyone knows, but anyway……)

Happy motoring !!

Kins - top right please, it's SOOO me. Is it big enough to fit a brick in it ???




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Mark you're right its soo you…. im sure it can fit a brick or 2 in it lol.

Tell you what though it's come to something when our humor is so dry we have to put joke in brackets after all our gags lol  :lol:

Seriously though Daz and Mark you?re both sound guys and you will get on great. Get your selves down to this joint meet and shake each other?s hands. I'm having none of this "you called me names… cant you take a joke" business ok?! :x

PS when we have this meet im not talking about combine harvesters, eating pasties or drinking shandy ok…..and Daz I've told you like a billion times Ann Robinson is not fit….. just NO ok! :lol:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D
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