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Running problems

Its all been going too well lately so my mk1's decided to develop a problem . When starting from cold it'll run fine as long as i dont touch the pedal if i do it stalls , this lasts for about 30 seconds then it'll run as normal . Its never Hot started well but now its taken to not starting at all when hot , have replaced all the service items inc filter and it's the same - it turns on the starter fine but refuses to fire up , fuel pump seems to be working as it should and the other night when i put the lights on if wouldent rev above 3000rpm , charged the battery still the same . Then on the way back from work yesterday i had to fill up with petrol and on my return refused to start - bumped it nothing , jumpleads of my missus's car nothing , tow up the road , splutter - tow down the road faster , life but only just . Anyone Got any ideas , ive been told that hot starting problems are usually a check valve in the pump failing - can anyone verify this as i cant find the check valve on etka .

I snapped the key off in the lock too - talk about a bad day  :banghead:
Any help will prevent my premature hairloss

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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Pull out an injector, checking one at a time in a coke bottle. Check the spray pattern and check for dribble after the engine is cut. Check the 5th injector (cold start) and the cold start valve.


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Will do i , i take it that a dribble will mean new injectors - knew some one on this site would be able to help  Cheers :y: I removed the plugs tonight and they seem awfully black which would point to unburnt fuel , will check those injectors out , how do you check the cold start valve ?I can build a car wire it etc but fuel injection just baffles me .

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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Check the fuel tank breather system , pay particular attention to the tank breather valve located in the wheel arch , drivers side . You may have an air lock or fuel starvation problem caused by it ….Run through the basics using
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as a guide , don't forget to post back when solved  :D

premature hairloss  8O Sorry  :D



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Aparrently a lot of hot starting problems are caused by the fuel accumulator but I've never had any co cant really say for sure.

I think the check valve is either built into the fuel pump or its in one of the hoses just by it. Not sure about that one either but it might jog someones memory!  :D


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Cheers people - another saturday spent under my mk1 then :roll:

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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Undo the 2 allen key bolts from the cold start injector and put the injector in a coke bottle, check for dribble when the engine is warm. The Haynes manual will tell you how to check the cold start valve.

Faulty injectors are very common, I checked 8 second hand injectors from a scrappy and 7 were no good.


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Checked the injector's tonight by lead lamp 2 are duff 2 are ok but should they spray all the time cause when i tested mine i only got 2 squirts before they stopped working and the engine died - leave it for a minute try again 1 squirt then nothing. One of the injectors dribbles all the time ,tempted to replace all four but dont want to go to that expence if the problems elsewhere

Gonna have a read of that link .

Cheers for the help . :lol:

Hairloss moderate .

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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Excellent link Chudd even i'm beginning to understand it , reading it i wondered if ive got the wrong fuel accumulator as i bought a new one from g&s when i did my rebuild and when i went to fit it i found it was much larger than the old one - any ideas & does anyone know how to get half a key out of an ignition barrel ?  :dontknow:

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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reading it i wondered if ive got the wrong fuel accumulator as i bought a new one from g&s when i did my rebuild and when i went to fit it i found it was much larger than the old one - any ideas & does anyone know how to get half a key out of an ignition barrel ?

Porsche cars had a larger accumulator i stripped a 924 and it was big  , i would think you have that ? I don't think thats the problem though ?  Half key  :dontknow: Looks like a new lock

Despite all the above have you …..checked the ignition system ? Its easy to blame one when its the other !    



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Late reply, but I had similar sounding starvation probs. Geezer, are you running the original fuel neck filler? My problem was caused by the usual rust dropping into the tank. Just an idea..

You should drink more water.
1664 is 95% water.
Drink more beer? :)


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Finally got round to finding out what is causing all the running problems . Its been a long hard battle and frankly lately ive been losing all because of a piece of wood in the fast lane of the motorway . It must have been kicked up by one of the tyres and then smashed into the lower part of the fuel tank denting it quite well , this allowed all the silt from 20 odd years of petrol to block the fuel filter on the pump starving the car of petrol but allowing enough for a good idle , GSF petrol tank and filter later and blow out all the fuel lines and she's running good as new , god ive ripped up some roads tonight - also fitted my quaiffe diff wow what a difference they make !

Cheers for all your help  :wink:

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen


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Pleased you are sorted not the sort of problem most would think about  :?
Thanks for posting your solution .


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