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NWM 6.1


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NWM 6.1

I know there's a post called NWM 6, which relates partly to NWM6 but also to "NWM 5.5" which was a non-specific meet - so I came up with calling the real NWM 6, NWM 6.1 if that's okay???

I think the basics are:

4th December
Sunday lunch (Turkey or other Xmas-related??)
Wiggin Tree Pub, Parbold Hill (A5209, 3 miles East off M6 J27).
I dunno, 2pm???

So, who's organising this one and who's planning to be there? Given its well nippy and close to Xmas, maybe we should aim low - 10 or more Mk1s???



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Well stepped up Paul…. I accept your invitation to organise this one!!

All in favour say AI!!!

Dano..  :lol: AI


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Not a problem!

Okay, here's the list I pulled from the NWM5:

Dano..  :lol:  AI
paul_c  :lol:  AI

But if there's new guys (I'm sure there are! There were the couple in the cabby on Sunday!!?!) just let us know! I imagine we're going to have to book something, if possible at this late notice, so we might need to know a week or so in advance, of numbers. I'll do some finding out of details…..



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Well I am up for it even though I am on nights!  :)


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Paul c what occurring are we in the The Wiggin Tree next Sunday?

Reason I'm asking is that I may be able to go on a scooter rally with my mate in the moring if not.

Cheers Dan


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Hmmm, not much response so far.....maybe we should just cancel it?



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I'm Back…with a brand new 80gig hard-drive..the old numbers box has been t*ts-up for 10days.

Anyways…I'm up for it providing we have an earlier start than 2:00pm (1:00pm would be fine).  The trouble is that the Wiggin Tree is not a hundred miles from the Trafford Centre and the girls (wifey, daughter & M-I-L) love to go there..especially if there's a free lunch (on me !!??!@@!) as well.

So I get to go to the meet, they get a trip to the TC and a freebie lunch.

Jeez…am I henpecked or what ???

whadawedoin ???


ps I'll bring No. 1/43 with me to make up the numbers again…maybe we should all bring one and show those suvverners how to put on a meet

B5 Passat Estate 5 SPeed
Riley 1071"S" Elf Mk2  (Bl**dy Hooligan machine!)
Bosch Lawnraker 32


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if i get my clutch fixed i'll make an apperance 8)

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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A Mk1 newby here, I wouldn't mind showing my face in the car park for half an hour?  My Mk1's been couped up in the garage for a few weeks now and needs a good run out.

Whats the score, can I just turn up?

Thanks, Derek.


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Yep, just turn up! I guess its too late to book an Xmas meal, although if the numbers aren't too big, I can't see them not being able to do lunch. Not too many people have said they'd come, so far. How many others are going to come, out of interest???? There were loads last time!



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Hi guys is this still a go? It took loads of effort to organise NWM5. I was PM'ing people all the time and posting like a madman. Don't expect people just to come without motivation.  :|

Don't know if I can make it for Sunday as I'm snowed under with uni work this weekend. I'll see how much I can rattle through in the meantime. Will keep you posted. :wink:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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Cant do tomorrow….. thought the scooter run was in the morning. Its in the afternoon at 1pm so I'm committed to that now.

Sorry folks.



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sorry lads im not going to be there aswel….no clutch again :roll:  :?

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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Should we postpone it then???



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In light of the poor turn out, I think it might be best to postpone it! The weather looks abismal too which will make it unbarable in the carpark anyhow!  :cry:


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OK any ideas for a better date???



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What about in the new year maybe we could do a carboot/ swap spares?


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yea crazy car sounds like a really good idea, i've got quite a good selection of bits now that i wouldnt mind getting rid of :mrgreen:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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Yeah its an alright idea. I have a few (not many) bits that are building up. It might be tricky doing this in a pub car park without attracting unwanted attention - I mean, if we start laying stalls out etc!!!

My gut feeling is that we need to spice up the meets with a bit more than simply meeting and talking etc, my car is a 2nd car so taking it out in the winter is entirely optional and I don't want to get it too wet and mucky!!! So this is a good idea.

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