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Picture shocker as DubGirl makes excellent discovery.


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Picture shocker as DubGirl makes excellent discovery.

See - I told you she was on odd one!


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Start at my bottom and work your way up!!  :D


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"Start at the bottom and work your way up" - is that how you'd tackle a bush fire is it Walt?


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Bush fire!

You need Canneston mate!  8O


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see…. what with women's fasination with firemen……..bush fires……putting fires out.. not a good thing!


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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God I get back from holiday after two weeks and you lot are at it again.
Are you going for the longest one again?? Poor dubgrrl, I've met her and she's as sweet and innocent as they come :wink: Just because she's got a weber down below you lot get revved up like a pack of novas at a max power meet. Please calm down for all our sakes. Just joking, love it all :clap:

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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hey russ,how r u?

1983 MK1 Tintop

1968 Karmann Ghia

1994 Passat VR6

1996 Passat Diesel


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Russt - weren't you at that meet where they took the photo of DubGrrl's behind and posted it on another forum?


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Hi dubgrrl, relaxed and even tanned thanks. Yes steve I have seen that tailgate on the photo and in the flesh (well, in jeans actually)  :wink:

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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:roll: men

1983 MK1 Tintop

1968 Karmann Ghia

1994 Passat VR6

1996 Passat Diesel


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dubgrrl said

:roll: men

We're not all bad!


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Sorry - its 2.32am in the morning but I though you'd said "Men, we are not all bald you know" - was reading that over and over again and thinking what?!?


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Steve it's 8:01 and I've just woken up….. I just got it…….it's the smiley he/she's rolling their eyes and trying to look at their hair….. they don't have any!

D'ya get it! :lmao:

Well it has kind of made me chuckle first thing.

Any way important task today….. pick up MK1!

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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I just coulnd't see straight by the time I didn't go to bed last night (bad bac - slept on the floor :( ) - good luck collecting the Mk1!!


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Any way important task today….. pick up MK1!

Yeaah !

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen
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