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The dangers of nightime driving in the country.......


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The dangers of nightime driving in the country.......

Firstly..Mandy…What the hell did you throw up on your windscreen for? Secondly…How many points for driving over a pigeon that was pootling around in the road! It went with a pop like a packet of crisps would if you squeezed it! Cartoon style feathers burst everywhere!…Anyhow Back to the swan story, was it the first time you have killed anything? If it is you could say you've broken your duck!! Ba dum tish!!!!!   You've got some neck putting a thread like this on here!!…..Come on guys….Help me out here!  :boohoo:  8O


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a few years ago on my way to work about 4am, (stupid time i know) i had something appear in my headlights and then seem to hit my car. it was my first journey in that car , a mk2 black gti, when i got to work i had a quick look couldn't see any damage, phew!  later that morning i returned to inspect my car only to find a bat hanging upside-down from the letter G of gti unharmed. would have made a great photo. ever since called that car the bat mobile.  :lol:

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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Gadzooks Mk1jim!! :D


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A thread on roadkill what next?!

How about a new section on the forum entitled 'Roadkill' :scratch: - could award prizes based on weight.

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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Style, no of hits, rarety of animal killed, whether or not reverse gear was needed to finish off!....How would we score it? :dontknow:


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Years ago my dad was on a shout and the fire engine hit a phesant - the guy driving stopped, jumped out, snapped its neck and chucked it into the cab before driving off again.  When they got back to the station he plucked it, cooked it and ate it!!!


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Steve_Matthews said

Years ago my dad was on a shout and the fire engine hit a phesant - the guy driving stopped, jumped out, snapped its neck and chucked it into the cab before driving off again.  When they got back to the station he plucked it, cooked it and ate it!!!

Thats nothing… Dads worse hes a deer stalker and if he spots a roadkill deer ….. he stops and checks it …… then if its resonably fresh throws it in the back of his car….. when he gets home skins/gutts it then thows it in the deep freeze. He then procedes to ban saw it into venison stakes which he throws on the BBQ. 8O  

I won?t touch it!  :posh:

Man it's sick! :sick:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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The circus was in my local town and one of the elephants escaped. Luckily I was in a volvo. Am I the winner. 8)

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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Oh yeah well I was was sailing my golf in AMPHIBIOUS Gibbs Aquada style mode and I ran over a Blue whale and killed it out right! Beat that Dj Ev! :lmao:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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It was probably coming towards you to pluck one of those bananas of your shirt DjEv! 8O


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Nice one kins :lmao:
I was gonna tell you about when I use to hangin out with Dr Who and we time travelled back to prehistoric times but you lot wouldn't believe it 8O .
Are you tryin to say I'm lying Walt? All you ever kill are flies bouncing off your forehead when you've got your hood down!
Anyway off too Spain for a week so see ya. 8)

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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Steve_Matthews said

Years ago my dad was on a shout and the fire engine hit a phesant - the guy driving stopped, jumped out, snapped its neck and chucked it into the cab before driving off again.  When they got back to the station he plucked it, cooked it and ate it!!!

Here's some lyrics for your dad and the rest of the crew to sing…

Roadkill Cafe


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This is the picture of the Sperm Whale i hit on my way home from work one night last year , there had been a high tide and it must have been washed up on to the road  8)


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…and the guy on the right is wishing that he hadn't left his scooter just there…  :sick:


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Walt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did'nt chuck up on my windscreen………. it was just blood and guts on there that the nice man from the AA cleaned off for me…….u nutter

and i think Chudd wins…….. killing a sperm whale on a moped i don't think that can be beaten (an before anyone comments the whale was'nt on the moped….. well i don't think so anyway)

Mandy :cheer:


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:lol: who would have thought this thread would have even made 4 posts let alone 4 pages  8O .

Glad to see I am not the only one with too much time, (and obviously swan steaks), on my hands….. dare I say it I bet Chudd "blubbed" after he was overcome with grief at hitting the whale :wink:

OK, OK, I'm leaving already……


ex '83 Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign owner and missing it already!


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Chris sorry to hear about your encounter with the swan.

Did you know………….

The swan is protected across the entire Great Britain by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

Killing a swan can carry a maximum fine of ?5,000 or jail term of six months 8O .  (dont worry chris I think they mean on purpose)

The mute swan has been a royal bird since at least 1186 and was formally assigned royal status in the Act of Swans in 1482.

The Queen has ownership of all swans in the UK except in one small corner of the British Isles - the Orkney Isles. Under Udal Law, the ancient Norse system of inheritance and law, which the Viking settlers brought to Orkney, the swan is the property of the people, rather than the Crown.

So there you go…. dont go murdering any swans! :lol:

I better watch out when razzing the golf in AMPHIBIOUS Gibbs Aquada style mode! :lol:

A bit of interesting cut n paste trivia for you all :wink:

Man there is some rubbish that gets posted on here! :P

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D
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