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Mk1 resto - list of items completed now added


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Mk1 resto - list of items completed now added


After a lay-up of 2 months my Mk1 restoration project has started up again. I'm just back from my 4th day at the workshop and things are progressing nicely, if somewhat over-budget

First things first. Stripped the head off the engine and sent it off to Dave the head man - this bloke is a total pro, even though it ain't cheap! The head is now back with new valves, springs and guides as well as a host of other changes. It looks great and I can't wait to attach it to the bottom end. Speaking of which, while the head is off i'm painting the block (see below)

The bottom end has been stripped and is getting new Mahle (spelling?) pistons, rings, end caps and anything else it needs. The crankshaft is like new so didn't need anything doing and the bores are also excellent, very impressive considering the miles its done. The engine bay was given a healthy dose of Autoglym degreaser and then pressure-washed to get rid of 22 years worth of grime and the whole bay is now shining  

I have been stripping and detailing as the project has gone on. The sump and rocker cover have been sandblasted and are awaiting a coat of satin black or two (below)

The clutch on the car was knacked so a new LUK one was fitted. While the gearboc was off I spent ages cleaning it and then painted it so it now looks like new (Below)

Now all teh parts are ready for the bores to be honed and engine to be rebulit using the lovely new parts and painted ancillaries. I can't wait till that happens, should be done by next week hopefully..

Now the engine is on track work has started on the body. As xcan be seen arlier I had already started stripping the car so now all that needed doing was the prep work. I'll be honest, there was more than I first though. The rear panel needed a lot of work (see below) but now looks great and is all ready to paint.

I also sourced a 'good' used door but it turned out to be pretty rusty and therefore needed a lot of prep work also

When I left today the sides were being filled and sanded down in preparation for the primer that is due to go on tomorrow at some point (I won't be there for that as i'm in an exam!)

I spent most of friday fitting the only modified area of the car (I want the project to be as original as possible) the Mk2 16v brake servo. It was a bit of a 'mare to fit and I need to get a couple of new pipes made up but i'm sure the improved feel will make it well worth it.

Another very pleasureable job was that of restoring and fitting up the front grill components. I first primed the trims in zinc primer (necessary for aluminium) twice and then left them to dry.

Once that was done I sprayed them VW Mars Red and fitted them to the correct grill that I got off e*** which included the original Hella fog lamps. I think the final result looks awesom and will look even better once the VW and GTI badges have been added.

I'll keep on taking pictures as I go and let you know how it gets on if your interested. Any comments/encouragement welcome; this project is taking a lot more effort than I first thought, even though its still really enjoyable.

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Chris - sorry to hear you have to sell the 5, but at least you can get another one this winter much cheaper than they would be now? I'm trying to make it sound okay to sell it but I know how painful it was getting rid of mine :(

Mrv - make sure you have a lot of space, time and money if your going to do a proper job on your car. My rear arches alone are a pain, let alone all the prep work for the respray!

o :)

P.s. I sold my 306 Rallye so am now back down to two cars again *phew*

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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:clap:  Coming along nicely, i've started working the other way round to you and started with the body.. hope I can get the engine in a similar condition as your's will be when finished.

Keep the pics coming as it's nice to see other peoples projects and what they're up to with them… not enough resto posts if you ask me!

you sticking to the orginal colour? it's amazing what a new coat of paint can do!


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Yeah, its going to stay Lhasa, though there are about 4 shades of that colour so getting a match will be tricky.

The car is going to be campaign spec thoughout, hence the fog lamps etc. It pretty much was when i got it so I might as well finish it off properly.

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Nice to hear your going for original spec. my friends brothers going a black mk1 (same as me) but he's going for some stupid glittery black  :banghead:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Phil - Chop his man-hood off, modifying MK1's is a shocking thing to do  :banghead:

o  :wink:

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Looking good there o - seems things are progressing along nicely. Just out of interest how much did the head refurb cost you in the end?

My Campaign has been a bit neglected over the past few weeks as I have been fettling the five ready for sale. Just need to touch up some small paint chips and a bit of tidying and hopefully I'll be there. Bit worried I won't sell it for as much as I hope though  :cry: .

Still as you say hopefully I can pick up another over the winter when prices drop a bit.

Keep the resto pictures coming.


ex '83 Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign owner and missing it already!


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Hey Chris - The head re-furb is costing about ?350 to standard spec, but that includes new springs, guides and its even getting new valves, so all good. dave said he'd ported it a bit as well which should make it run a bit smoother still :)

Its going to be get once it's done, the new pistons will mean there will be little if no rattle around the bottom end that happens to older cars when the piston to crank bearings wear :). They cost a fortune though  :cry: I don't dare think how much this resto is costing me..

All the best with the MX5 sale, do emphasise the fact that its a UK car and not an import; the owners club guys are always banging on about there being no difference but try telling an insurance company that…

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Thanks for the info o. Yeah, the majority of the MX5 OC folks seem to be older and live out in the styx  :roll: , so don't think of insurance as an issue. However if you are younger or live in a big city it makes a massive difference, and often rules out imports which is a shame.

Plus UK fives over 10 years old are eligible for classic insurance that brings things down a lot. I can insure my five and the Campaign for less that I used to pay for my '99 MX-5.

Classics are definitely the way to go.


ex '83 Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign owner and missing it already!


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Hmm, yeah, insurance is a big deal for me at the moment as I need to start making some decisions on the subject.

I want to get my mk1 on a classic policy when its done but i'm moving back home to london for a few months so could prove very expensive :( This is compounded by the fact that I want to keep my Mk2 aswell! I reckon i'm going to have to take the Mk2 off the road until I find a place to live furthur out with a garage that I can put them both, or at least one of them in.

Does your Golf want some company for a few months? It could have the mk2 as a younger brother if there's space in y9our garage ;) ;)

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Well I have some driveway space I could rent you for a nominal fee  :wink: , as the five will be gone soon… however my garage is really just used for working on the cars, and even then its a real squeeze getting the cars in there and onto the ramp  8O . Both my cars sit out on the driveway at the mo.

Can't you just declare the Mk2 SORN and hire a cheap lockup somewhere.

I think you will find the insurance on the Mk2 16v prohibitive in London though, unless you can get it on a classic policy. My Mk2 Jetta GTi 16v used to cost me over 500 quid fully comp with full NCB in London - nearly half the value of the car, thats why I got rid of it in the end  :cry:


ex '83 Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign owner and missing it already!


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You have a ramp in your garage? woow cool! I'm going to look for a house with a drive and garage, probably around the Hillingbon/Uxbridge area as that is near my new work (Honda Cars Europe). Lots of the houses round there have garages the size of workshops fitted to them, which would be ideal. Looks like the Mk2 will be withdrawn from usage at the end of this month when the tax and MOT run out and i'll use the Mk1 until my company car arrives, after which the Mk1 will have to go into storage for a couple of months too :(

Yeah, renting a cheap garage would be ideal, but the question is where to find one? If you know anyone around who is renting one out cheaply let me know! :)

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Just phoned Euro's in MK to order my new front and rear bumpers + a wheel arch kit + a front splitter.

The wheel arch kit and front bumper are out of stcok nationally so I'll be waiting a while for those :( I've said i'll go get all of the stuff when its ready as it'd be silly to make two trips

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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O try GSF for your bumpers and arches my local branch had all of them on the shelf last week …



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Hey all,

A bit has been happening since I last posted pix, all very exciting! The hard bodywork prepping started mid last week and is coming along nicely. A few patches have been found, checked, reprepped and repaired. The front door has taken a lot of work but is now ready for its final coat  :D

The rear panel has now been primed and rubbed down so is also ready for its final coat of lovely Lhasa Green…..

There was one small dent in the front panel which how now been filled, skimmed and put into primer ready for the painting of the front end.

The front panel had some bending at the bottom edge (common is GTi's with their low front spoiler) which I have pulled out, ground down and rust-proffed. What you see here is the stone-chip shield being applied by Andy the bodywork genius!

The rear arch on this side was in a bit of a stage. After cutting away the outer sections that were rotten the inner sill was repaired with new metal. It turned out to be not too bad but any rust that was there is now banished!

The other rear arch wasn't as bad but still needed new sections welding in. As can be seen here, the effect is excellent and you can never tell that ity was touched.

The drivers side door was peppered with car-park rash so the whole thing was skilled, filled, skimmed again….

The door now looks ace, here it is in its etch-primed state, it has now been rubbed down and is ready for the top-coat.

Here the lower part of the rear panel has been sprayed with stonechip shield and is ready to be sprayed.

Here is a shot of the final taping up of the car. It is getting its top-coat tomorrow evening. It has taken ages to Scotch-brite the body to get the paint to key to it properly but the effort will be worth it.

Its not just been bodywork happening on the car this week. The pistons have now been assembled and inserted into the freshly-honed bores. It looks so clean now! The equally shininy new head is going to be attached tomorrow before the final topcoat goes on. The car is then going to be left to dry for a couple of days before the wet-flatting and buffing is done.

I can't believe that this project is now nearing its final stages. All the complex engine and bodywork will be finished by wednesday night by Andy. I'm then going to go back to the car next week to start re-assembly of the trim and final detailing (so satisfying!). I'll take more pix  tomorrow as the engine is put back together.

Its been hard work but she's now nearly there! I can't wait to start running her in!  :D  8)

All comments welcome, good or bad!

o  :D

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Looking good "o" well ahead of my resto look forward to seeing it finished at Gaydon in September ?


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Yeah, it would be good to go to that :)

I hope she won't have for sale signs in the window by then, this project is working out rather expensive…..but hey, she's worth it!

o :)

Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones


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Nice one o, can't wait to see the finished result!



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Good work!  :clap: you'll have a nice mk1 there when it's finished!


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Hey all,

the engine build-up carried on today. When I got there the head was already on so I spent most of teh day assembling the ancillaries. Here is the block with the head just fitted..

And here is a picture with the freshly overhauled intake manifold fitted..

When I left today at 6 the sump was painted and back on, as was teh alternator, starter motor, gear change mechanism, clutch cable, throttle body, rad and cowling, injectors and cambelt gubbins. Not bad for a days work!

The car is getting painted tomorrow evening and final fitting will commence a week today once its running.


Too many to list but 2 x 1982 Golf GTi 1.6 hatches are the main ones
There are too many online users to list.