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number plates

its my birthday tomorrow and my misses bought me a plate for my bmw
L33  WOK  what you lot think?  not bad for ?250 all in
btw my name is LEE  :lol:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Where does woky come from?

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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my surname is watkins and my mates called me woky since school

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Nice place must be worth 1k at least.

Happy birthday


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cheers m8 but i dont know whats happy about being 33  :cry:  :lol:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Well its half of 66 and under a ton, it's only a number. :lol:


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Hi guys,

Happy birthday Woky, mine is next wednesday and it will be a biggie.  My son was 14 yesterday and joined the realms of us car owners (we bought him a mini cabrio - golfs are too expensive for young uns)!!  

Anyone got any suggestions how you make FLOSSIE into a plate for a 1985 golf?  Could be a challenge I guess!  :D


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FLOSSIE =  FLO 551E    

As the car is a 1985 you could have this plate on it no problems if you could find it for sale!! The origenal year of that plate would be something like 1968, and I'm sure I'm correct in thinking you can register an older plate on a vehicle, but not a newer one?

1983 White cabriolet GTi


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You're correct Maniac!

Happy B-day Woky - nice plate! (and 33 is ok, it's not 34!)



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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It's my birthday on Saturday and i have to work  :(  There should be a law passed that means you don't have to work on your birthday.
The girlfriend mentioned getting me a cherished no but i would rather keep the original no on my golf

1996 Gti Anniversary 8v Mystic Blue
1995 Gti 16v Fjord blue


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Happy Birthday guys!

[sing]Happy Birthday to you[/sing]

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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Ha, Shirley tried to get me to buy FLO 551E for her cab…  for her b'day.  ?2K!!!!! :o

Still, it would be a good idea to get a day off on your birthday.  If that was the case I would be well old this year already.

Martin, Shirl's husband.


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Happy Bidet  :lol: all of you.
I've got "O GTI Y" on my campaign. It was my dads reg, originally on his celica gti and I inherited it on his death. Only problem is that the car has lost its "A" plate so no longer immediately looks like a campaign. Don't know how much the reg is worth. ?2ooo for flossie seems a bit steep though.

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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russt said

 ?2ooo for flossie seems a bit steep though.

Not if you're a Welsh sheep farmer!!



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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getting the right size wellies though, that's the problem :?

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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When I lived in the UK, I always fancied A 186 OLF (A 1.8 Golf), but I never investigated it, because I was sure it was on a Golf already, so the price would have been fairly high...


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cheers peeps birthday over with now but still gettin p1ssed on sat  :lol:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti
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