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2012 AGM Dates


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2012 AGM Dates

Exactly. Big difference setting off at lunchtime relaxed in convoy rather than sitting in hours of Friday rush hour traffic on your own, hassled by the kids for food, putting your tent up in the dark and possibly getting some dinner before bed.

I went on holiday too on a Friday - but I lived near to school, both my parents did not work until 5pm, the distance was only 100 miles, there was hardly any traffic compared to today and we did not have to sent a tent up before bed.



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Another way of looking at it could be….

Load the car while the school day is in session. Pick up child/ children with car packed &/or trailer attached.
Avoid extra traffic because its not last day of school term and lots of people are on the road at the same time.
Drive 1.56hrs (from your house), arriving around 6pm. Pitch tent, go to food van on site for tea and watch the sun set at 21.31hrs (Birmingham),

Smile and enjoy the weekend!!!!  8)


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Just send you tent up with someone else from your region & get them to set it up so you can turn up anytime :lol:


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Dano said

Another way of looking at it could be….

Load the car while the school day is in session. Pick up child/ children with car packed &/or trailer attached.
Avoid extra traffic because its not last day of school term and lots of people are on the road at the same time.
Drive 1.56hrs (from your house), arriving around 6pm. Pitch tent, go to food van on site for tea and watch the sun set at 21.31hrs (Birmingham),

Smile and enjoy the weekend!!!!  8)

Are you referring to me or you there? If me, there is not a cat in hells chance we could be there for 6pm. Plus I guess not everyone lives within 1.56hrs  :?



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I was referring to you Rajan.

I don't understand what the difference is in travelling on the last ay of term, like last year, on a Friday or a normal Friday afternoon when there should be less holiday traffic when the schools haven't broken up.

The travelling distance is the same. The people and kit are the same. The day of the week is the same. The variables can only be your set off time and a possible incident on the motorwaywhich is always an unknown quantity.

Looking on Google from yours to the venue its rought 1.56hrs under normal driving conditions.

Last year you arrived around 7pm and yes it was going dusk because the storm clouds were gathering.

I don't really know what else we can do? That weekend is actually closer to the longest day (21/6/12) so there should be more light to pitch tents.  :dontknow:


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Hi Dan

The difference is there is far less traffic if you get a headstart Friday lunchtime rather than setting off in the rush hour but that isnt possible on a school day.

Not sure on how we will plan it yet but our starting point might not be able to be our home either.

Not asking for anything to be done, certainly not for me. We will be there at some point  :)




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I understand.

Well, we'll see you there…… hopefully on a dry evenng this year!!!! :wink:


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Every year I look forward to getting wrecked and having a laugh at this event… this one… because of how busy I am lately…. will be a proper blow out, relaxing weekend with MK1'ers !!!!  BBQ's, beers, laughs, sun and waking up with twigs and peanuts stuck to your face  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: BRING IT ON!!!!!


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Holiday request form is in and I WILL be there this year, wooooooooohooooooooo  :dance:

Wonder how many cases of beer I can get in a 40mm lowered cab before the tyres rub on the arches???  :dontknow:

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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Just bring a jacket and forget the tent = more beer  8)  8)


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kavlfc said

Holiday request form is in and I WILL be there this year, wooooooooohooooooooo  :dance:

Wonder how many cases of beer I can get in a 40mm lowered cab before the tyres rub on the arches???  :dontknow:

there is a 24hr tesco, just round the corner mate. :wink:

1983(Y) VW GOLF GTi



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ans4r said

there is a 24hr tesco, just round the corner mate. :wink:

I must have spotted more Mk1 owners down the beer isle in that Tescos than anywhere else all weekend  :mrgreen:


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ans4r said

there is a 24hr tesco, just round the corner mate. :wink:

I must have spotted more Mk1 owners down the beer isle in that Tescos than anywhere else all weekend  :mrgreen:

We looked like the great unwashed lol  :mrgreen:


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Spudfingers said


ans4r said

there is a 24hr tesco, just round the corner mate. :wink:

I must have spotted more Mk1 owners down the beer isle in that Tescos than anywhere else all weekend  :mrgreen:

We looked like the great unwashed lol  :mrgreen:

I dont know about you,  I used the showers  :mrgreen:



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Was I the only one turning my undercrackers inside out and re-using them then???  8O

Nah the showers were awesome… are we having the same again mate?


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Annual leave's been confirmed, wooooooooooo effing hoooooooooooo  :mrgreen:

Now to blag a big tent and watch some Ray Mears in preparation  :wink:

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o


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Spudfingers said

Was I the only one turning my undercrackers inside out and re-using them then???  8O

Nah the showers were awesome… are we having the same again mate?

That's why the call you spudfingers !!




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lhasadreams said

Spudfingers said

Was I the only one turning my undercrackers inside out and re-using them then???  8O

Nah the showers were awesome… are we having the same again mate?

That's why the call you spudfingers !!



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kavlfc said

Annual leave's been confirmed, wooooooooooo effing hoooooooooooo  :mrgreen:

Now to blag a big tent and watch some Ray Mears in preparation  :wink:

Nice one mate….. I'm watching…errrrr what's his name….. errrr…… a BBQ without burgers… what is it again….. oh … Bare Grills…

 :roll: ….. need to get my liver in training  :twisted:


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:mrgreen:  :roll:

ha ha

Just need to figure out if I can get all I need into the cab mmmmmmm, suitcase and tent in car, everything else in Tesco  :wink: sorted

I no longer have the Mk1!! I now whizz round in a Black 1990 3dr Mk2 GTi 8v but the roof doesn't fold back when the sun shines :o
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