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problem with turn indicators


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1983 1800 gti DX engine

I have a problem with the indicators which I can't fathom. I'd be grateful for any ideas or a solution as I've been battling for two days on this.

When I have the ignition on and indicate, neither left or right indicators flash, but I do get a steady green light on the dash.

When I put the crash flash on, with or without the ignition on all four indicator lights and the green light on the dash flash. Also the bulb in the illuminated crashflash switch works.

When the ignition is off  and I put the left or right indicator on,  the appropriate front and rear sidelights are illuminated.

I have just renewed all the earth points on the car as shown in the Haynes manual



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There are 2 fuses in the turns.  A low numbered one for the Hazards f4, and a higher numbered one f19 for the turns.

On the back of the hazard switch there is a single bare Spad connector (thin) that if you short it to ground it takes out the higher numbered fuse.  When that fuse goes the lamp but glows. And you can short it on when you put it back in, or have the bare wire dangling about as you work on something else… To quote the immortal Forrest Gump "It Happens!" at the end of that scene you see a t-shirt with this on it :).

To fix it from happening again, take some heat shrink and insulate that connector.

Screen Shot 2024-05-18 at 9.23.05 PM.png

Last edit: by Briano1234

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

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What a complete star you are - but not quite what you or I expected.

I checked the fuses and found a total of EIGHT blown fuses on the board. So I have a few hours trying to work out what is going on and individually check the circuits…What a nightmare.
However if you hadn't suggested this solution I would not have checked all the other fuses as well, until I have checked it all there's no point in me trying to fault find any particular facet.

I did buy this heap of junk as a project, it's providing me with that O.K.

There's so many cut and twisted together wires on the dashboard it's not true and that was after taking an aftermarket alarm system out. Thanks again.


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golfy1 said

I did buy this heap of junk as a project, it's providing me with that O.K.

That's like saying that marble statue of David by Michelangelo was just a hunk of stone.  

It only is going to get better with age and hard work.

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

Where are my DIY Links?


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I feel that any much older with this wonderful car and I'll be dead


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golfy1 said

I feel that any much older with this wonderful car and I'll be dead


My rebuild thread I will try and keep up to date: here

K-Jet fuel pressure test guage How-To


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Aha some kind person had taken the blue/black wire off the switch, put two tap in connectors on and dropped it into the bottom of the  heater controls. Refitted it, took the tapins off, sleeved the wire where the insulation has been ripped a goodun.

Next job is to find why the fan switch isn't doing anything


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golfy1 said

Next job is to find why the fan switch isn't doing anything

THe fan switch  switches 12V between the different parts of the resistor.  

Check your molex (White Nylon ok may be yellow now )
connector on the left side of the heater box there are 4 0r 5 wires depending on the speed as in 3 or 4 speed.  Take it apart and look to verify that the ground wire isn't toasted. That ground wire allows all speeds to work, or not.  I have had 3 Cabriolets and all of them had a toasted Ground wire.  I spliced around it with a insulated Crimp connection straight to a new poin on the inner firewall.

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What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

Where are my DIY Links?


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Mmm, seems that the motor is seized, from the noise it is making. I'll strip it down tomorrow


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Yep, stripped the motor and gearbox down, out some fresh grease in and oiled the motor bearings, screwed the switch contact plate back with stainless self tappers. All works fine
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