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1.3 small block (1982)


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Warm start 😡

Hello fellow Mk1 owners , my 1.3 small block what can I say 🤬🤬🤬. It starts on the button every time runs like a dream for miles but as soon as you stop , leave for a period of time it constantly cuts out . It will not start without the choke. As soon as you approach lights or junctions and you put your foot on the clutch to come to a stop it cuts out . Whilst it is running it feels like it is juddering like it has fuel starvation. I've changed HT leads, coil pack , dizzy, fuel pump and fuel tank . I've blown the fuel lines and it's got a Weber carb on it and I've changed the plugs . It's getting worse rather than better. I need help because I'm starting to hate the car and fall out of love 💔


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Sounds like you have a vacuum or air leak messing up the fuel mixture. This often happens when things heat up, making the leak worse. Get some carb cleaner and spray around the engine when it is running and where the vacuum lines are etc - a leak will cause the revs to rise as it pulls carb cleaner in.




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Morning Ade
I've tried the carb cleaner but seem to have no leaks. Could it be the old fuel pump is not compatible with the Weber? Would a more powerful electric pump work? 


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What model of weber are you running, and has it ever ran properly? I had no end of running issues with a 34ich on a 1.3, I ended up moving back to an OEM Solex PICT.

Could easily be a vacuum leak or blocked jet. There is a rubber flange under the carb that is notorious for causing running issues - worth checking the condition of this/checking to see if the engine note changes when the carb is pushed around with the engine running.

Equally if it has never know to run right it may not be jetted correctly for the car.

Does it run fine when warm before restarting?

Fuel pump should be fine - all it needs is enough to fill the bowl.


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Yes it's a Weber 34ich. It runs perfect when started first thing, when it's warm it takes a while to clear but when it dose runs fine. Would a 32/34 Weber be any better as Iv got one fitted to my mk2 1.6 and runs sweet as a nut. Regards 


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The standard carb on the 1.3 was a Solex 34 PICT from memory - but not necessarily the best approach to put another unknown 30+ year old carb on - sometimes better the devil you know!

If it runs better on choke when it's acting up it could well indicate a lean condition caused by a vacuum leak getting worse with temperature. What do you mean by it takes a while to clear?

How long has the condition been happening? Given the hot weather we have been having recently it could also be a vapour lock, where fuel boils in the fuel lines - the vaporized fuel does not pump well and hence the carb bowl does not get adequate fuel which could well be causing the cut outs you are getting only when hot. Normal symptoms are cutting out and then hard starting when hot. Check to see if any of your fuel lines are resting on hot engine components e.g. manifold.

If all vacuum lines and the carb base appear to be ok, and you do not suspect a vapour lock, I'd double check the jets are correct for the carb and give them a clean whilst you're in there - they do like to gum up over time. Unlikely to cause your symptoms but if there is some gunk in the bowl it could be covering/uncovering the jets. More likely to cause a lean or no start condition at all temperatures but carbs are fickle things so it's good to rule out!
Trash in the idle jet may only show face once warmed up and off 'high idle'.

Engine - Weber 34 ICH jet sizes 1.1/1.3 Mk1 Golf | Volkszone Forum


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Hi  Hope these help. Was for my 1.3
Last edit:1:45 PMby Daytona


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Thanks Marcus
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